Ten Sorcery Spells That Are New Classics in Commander

Ten Sorcery Spells That Are New Classics in Commander

Kristen GregoryCommander, Design, Strategy

What new Sorcery spells should be making the cut in your Commander decks? Kristen is here with a list of ten of the best! Last week, I looked at ten Sorcery spells that had aged really well in Commander. This time around, I will cover ten new classics: sorceries that have landed with impact, and continue to impress me.  Sorceries …

The Lost Caverns of Ixalan Blood Rites Precon Upgrade Guide

The Lost Caverns of Ixalan: Blood Rites Precon Upgrade Guide

Kristen GregoryCommander

The Lost Caverns of Ixalan has four new Commander decks with classic Ixalan archetypes, and Blood Rites is the Orzhov Vampires deck that brings frightening new cards and solid reprints.  So how does Blood Rites play and how do we upgrade it? Let’s find out.  BLOOD RITES: NEW COMMANDERS Blood Rites has two new Commanders to sink your teeth into. …

The Lost Caverns of Ixalan Reviewing Commander Precon Cards

The Lost Caverns of Ixalan: Reviewing Commander Precon Cards

Kristen GregoryCommander

Pirates, Vampires, Merfolk and Dinosaurs are back with brand new cards. Kristen sits down to evaluate what new The Lost Caverns of Ixalan Precon exclusive cards are worth adding to your collection.  Lost Caverns of Ixalan brings with it four Commander decks: Ahoy Mateys, Blood Rite, Explorers of the Deep and Veloci-Ramp-Tor. Each is filled with a bevy of new, …

The Best Ability Keywords in Commander in 2023

The Best Ability Keywords in Commander in 2023

Kristen GregoryCommander

Commander is an ever evolving metagame, with new cards being added all the time. What’s changed in the past year or two? Which keywords are doing the heavy lifting? Commander Advisory Group member Kristen shares her thoughts on how things are shaping up.  It’s been nearly three years since I last wrote about Casual Commander’s Most Underrated Abilities. The format …

Commander Archetypes You Can Build in an Hour

Five Commander Archetypes You Can Build in an Hour

Kristen GregoryCommander

When you’re lacking inspiration ahead of game night, it can be tempting to try a new brew. Kristen has five Commander archetypes that can be built lightning fast to inject some novelty into your roster.  Sometimes you look at your collection of decks and feel like nothing is catching your eye. Maybe you’ve played them all recently; maybe you’ve deconstructed …

Doctor Who Commander Set Review

Kristen GregoryCommander

Doctor Who arrives in the Commander format with four preconstructed decks. Each is flush with reprints, but also dozens of novel designs. With 200 new Doctor Who cards available for Commander brewing, it’s time to review the best of the set.  Chances are you’re going to pick up the precons for some planechase Doctor Who action, or you’re going to …

The Five Spookiest Magic Sets for a Halloween Draft

The Five Spookiest Magic Sets for a Halloween Draft

Kristen GregoryLimited

October is “the spooky month,” and what better way to enjoy the season as a Magic player than to get some friends together for a Halloween draft? While you might not have a Halloween themed cube, there are plenty of Magic sets that lean into horror, thrills and general scary vibes. Which options have the best art? Which make for …