Four Boros Commander Decks to Light your Fire

Four Boros Commander Decks to Light your Fire

Kristen GregoryCommander

Boros is enjoying something of a renaissance in Commander, with plenty of fun and interesting deck building opportunities. Kristen sits down with three decks she’s enjoyed playing lately. Boros has always been my one true love in Commander. Maybe it’s because the first booster pack I ever opened had an Expedition Sacred Foundry in. Maybe it’s because the first product …

The Age of Haymakers is Over in Commander

The Age of Haymakers is Over in Commander

Kristen GregoryCommander, Strategy

Kristen delivers an edict: haymakers are so last year in Commander. If you’re brewing these days, you want to focus on synergy. There are few things cooler than resolving a big, expensive creature. There’s a reason some of the most popular decks in Magic are Dragons, Angels and all things green and tramply.  The splashiest creatures in Commander are commonly …

In Defense of Dictate of Erebos

In Defense of: Dictate of Erebos

Kristen GregoryCommander

Dictate of Erebos is a card reviled by some playgroups and loved by others. Is this card as bad as it looks? Are people playing it wrong? In another installment of “In Defense Of,” Kristen digs into what people love and hate about this divisive Enchantment.  Last time on “In Defense Of,” Jason took on Sen Triplets. This time, I’ve …

March of the Machine Divine Convocation Precon Upgrade guide

March of the Machine: Divine Convocation Precon Upgrade Guide

Kristen GregoryCommander

Divine Convocation is a Jeskai convoke deck. Kristen reviews the precon and shares a budget upgrade package, offering plenty of infinite combos and win conditions to take the deck to the next level.  The Divine Convocation precon is all about building a token army to help you cast splashy spells. But how good is it? And how do we take …

20 Essential Black Commander Cards

20 Essential Black Commander Cards

Kristen GregoryCommander

So you want to build a Black Commander deck? Ultimate power awaits, for those who seek it. We’ve prepared a list of 20 Essential Black Commander cards to get you started on your brewing journey.  Black has access to oodles of card draw, removal, life drain and reanimator effects. It’s the best color at using the graveyard – both at …

Essential Red Commander Cards

Top 20 Essential Red Commander Cards

Kristen GregoryCommander

Red is arguably the most fun color to brew with in Commander. Check out our list of 20 Essential Red cards — the tools you’ll appreciate most when brewing any red Commander deck. Red has access to some of the flashiest effects in Commander, and also some of the ones with the highest variance. With access to mana generation, impulse …

Essential White Commander Cards

Top 20 Essential White Commander Cards

Kristen GregoryCommander, Strategy

If you’re looking to build a white Commander deck, you can’t miss our rundown of 20 essential white cards. These are the most flexible and often best cards in their class, and will fit into pretty much any strategy or archetype. They’re perfect to add to your collection. White is a great color to play with in Commander, and it’s …