A History of the Power 9

Tom AndersonCommunity

Nearing three decades of shaping the gaming landscape, Magic: The Gathering stands apart from its many imitators because it is more than a game.  After years of constant evolution and vociferous growth, Magic has become a lifestyle for generations of players. A major esport, before we even had the word for that kind of professional competition. A true global community …

Building Mono-Red, -White, and -Black in Commander

Tom AndersonCommander

Greetings, Commander connoisseurs!  I’m here to talk about playing mono-white Commander decks… and mono-red. Oh, and mono-black, too. These three are my favorite colors in Magic, and I don’t think there’s a more interesting way to explore what they’re capable of than by rising to the challenge and building entire Commander decks around them. Generally speaking, color access is the …

Time Spiral Remastered: Preview and Predictions

Tom AndersonProducts

When you think about it, every set is a brand-new version of Magic: one design team’s remix of familiar frameworks and staples. Limited formats let us sample unique flavors of gameplay, and sets with great Draft environments are spoken fondly of for years or even decades afterwards. Next month, WotC are giving current players a chance to relive one of …

Yorion Goes in Everything: 5 Standard Brews

Tom AndersonStandard

The Magic community has had its frosty mitts on Kaldheim for a couple weeks now, and we’re starting to notice the effects filtering through into the Standard metagame. With some completely fresh mechanical possibilities and a high power level, there are several new cards and shells with potential, even once the set’s honeymoon phase fades.  But the depth of the …

Why Games of Magic Are Getting Faster

Tom AndersonDesign

Do you think games of Magic might be getting too fast these days? It’s an odd thing to worry about in regard to a turn-based strategy game, even if chess clocks and Arena ropes force us into hasty decisions from time to time. But in its own best measure of speed — how many turns it takes to crush opponents …

Kaldheim’s Utility Lands

Tom AndersonDesign

The long voyage to Kaldheim, having taken most of December and January, is nearly over. Today, myself and many other streamers will be trying out the set for the first time on Magic Arena. Shortly thereafter, the whole Magic Arena population will be logging in to test the cards and combinations they’ve been hyping themselves up for. And boy, has …

New MTG Mechanic Spotlight: Foretell

Tom AndersonDesign, Strategy

If WotC set up Kaldheim spoiler season like a metal concert, then this week feels like the showstopping guitar solo. We’re seeing more and more powerful cards drop, many of which feature the set’s new cost-reduction mechanic: foretell. Appearing across all five colors and a wide variety of different cards, foretell has the potential to challenge players with sequencing choices …

New MTG Mechanic Spotlight: Boast

Tom AndersonStrategy

Kaldheim spoiler season sure has given us an exciting start to 2021! New legends, new Gods, new modal double-faced cards, bearing all manner of powerful and unique effects. If anything, this candy-shop effect has left the actual mechanics of Kaldheim a bit lost in the shuffle!  Boast and foretell are the latest in a string of very cool keywords WotC …

Most Metal Magic Cards

Tom AndersonCommunity

Happy New Year, my fellow magicians! We all made it through 2020 — now let’s celebrate with a hearty headbanging session. Maybe throw in a bit of haircopter, if you’re well-coiffured. Yes, we’re continuing to wind ourselves up for the release of Kaldheim, the first Magic set to overtly claim inspiration from the heavy metal subculture. Personally, I think this …

Kaldheim Predictions

Tom AndersonProducts

It’s a fun little moment I write to you from this time. We’re in that peculiar week of calm where Christmas is (un)wrapped, 2020 is finally all but through, and the bold among us can begin to peek ahead at what’s round the corner in 2021. That dynamic is also at play in the Magic world, where the staggered release …