Magic has such a wide vocabulary associated with it that words begin to mean different things to different people. “Efficiency” is one such word, and its meaning has changed over the lifespan of Modern. The technical definition of efficiency is, “the ratio of the useful work performed by a machine or in a process to the total energy expended or …
Modern Deck Guide: Temur Creativity
Indomitable Creativity has shown up a few times, in a few different versions, during the last year or so of Modern’s history. The shells change, but the core game plan has stayed the same: control the board, then use Indomitable Creativity to generate a huge mana advantage. Previous versions of Creativity chose Serra’s Emissary and Emrakul, the Aeons Torn as …
Modern Meta Developments Post Modern Horizons 2
Did you play Modern around the release of Modern Horizons 2 but have since taken a break? If so, good news — today we are going over how the meta game and classic modern decks have evolved in the last few months so you’re not surprised when going to your Regional Championship Qualifier. If you have kept up to date, …
On This Date in Magic History: Eighth Edition (July 28, 2003)
Welcome back to another edition of “This Day in Magic History,” where this time we’re taking a look at the release of Eighth Edition, which debuted on July 29, 2003. A discussion of this set may not sound particularly interesting at first. After all, Eighth Edition was a core set during an era when core sets consisted entirely of reprints. However, …
A Winner’s MTG Mentality: Preparing for Tournaments
As the Regional Championship Qualifier season gets into full swing, many people will be playing in more competitive MTG tournaments than they have in a long time. As players return to paper Magic, it is important that they come back with the right mentality. Like anything else in life that involves competition, if you want to win, you’ll need to …
Expressive Iteration’s domination of Magic formats
Expressive Iteration is in every top deck in every format it’s legal in. If you go and check the data, Standard, Modern and Legacy are all run by the best card draw spell printed since Treasure Cruise. Pioneer, a format where Treasure Cruise is legal, recently banned Expressive Iteration. So, how is this little uncommon that didn’t even get noticed …
Modern Tier List: July 2022
Michael’s back with another update to the Modern Tier List! With lots of high-level play over the last month, there’s been a lot of movement! Welcome back to the Modern Tier List for July 2022 on Card Kingdom! This month has featured high level competitive events including a 400+ player MTGO PTQ and SCG Syracuse, and of course we can …
Modern Metagame Update
With several major events this past weekend, Michael takes a look at how the metagame for Modern is shaking out! With RCQ season underway players may be searching for the right deck to play for the season, or just a specific week. In recent weeks and months we’ve seen Four-Color Yorion touted as the best deck in Modern. However, that …
3 Modern Decks Back in the Spotlight
Sometimes a deck will fall out of favor, only for the deck to come right back into dominance later. Mason looks at three such decks in Modern! Modern is a format that is constantly evolving and changing. While some things like Izzet Murktide stay in the spotlight, some decks have moments when they are in the spotlight then fade away …
Fable of the Mirror-Breaker: The Saga of Kikki-Jikki
Sagas, in Magic and in life, are meant to tell a story. While sagas are among the oldest forms of formalized storytelling that exist in human history, in Magic, they’re pretty new. First appearing in Dominaria in 2018, they’ve appeared every year since. They almost missed 2019, but Urza’s Saga in Modern Horizons kept the streak going. They have now …