Modern will never be the same again. Just like its predecessor, Modern Horizons 2 is poised to leave a massive mark on Modern; many of the cards will see some level of play in the format, and even more will become Commander staples from day one. In my eyes, this is one of the most successful sets in the past …
Hardened Scales is Back with Modern Horizons 2
Modern Horizons 2 is just around the corner, and everyone is excited to see all of the powerful new cards being introduced to Modern — one of Magic’s most beloved formats. While I’ve seen a lot of hype around the flashy new cards like Grief, Void Mirror, and Unmarked Grave, there hasn’t been much talk about the handful of cards …
Why You Should Play Profane Tutor in Modern
Demonic Tutor is one of the most iconic and powerful cards in all of Magic, a staple in every format where it’s legal. With the release of Modern Horizons 2, this powerhouse tutor gets a new spiritual successor: Profane Tutor. Profane Tutor is effectively a Demonic Tutor with suspend, and it’s being criminally underrated in Modern. This is partly because …
MH2 Promises a “Fair Deck Summer” for Modern
Spoiler season for Modern Horizons 2 is like none other in Magic history — save perhaps for the original Modern Horizons. Since every card is explicitly designed for the Modern format, even the commons often require close examination for their potential metagame impact – if not in Modern itself or Legacy, then in Commander or Pauper. No other sets in …
Getting the Most Out of Grief in Modern
I’m no counselor, but we should probably talk about Grief. Weekly MTG previewed a bunch of cards ahead of the official start of Modern Horizons 2’s preview season, and Grief was easily the standout. The card has already has brewers in a tizzy to find the best shell for it and the optimum cards that work with it. Grief is …
Mind’s Desire: My Modern Horizons 2 Wishlist
Modern Horizons 2 is just over the, uh… horizon. There will be a mix of new cards and reprints in the set, and we all have our own hopes for which cards will enter the format upon its release. I’ve been digging through troves of cards outside of the card pool that Modern could benefit from, looking for the most …
Jund Shadow for A New Modern
Uro, Titan of Nature’s Wrath, Field of the Dead, Simian Spirit Guide, and Mystic Sanctuary have been banned in Modern. Modern players around the world rejoiced upon hearing the news, myself included. But once I was done celebrating, I knew that I’d have to get back into the lab to try and crack the code for the new Modern format. …
Three Modern Decks to Play After the Uro Ban
Last week, Modern experienced a huge B&R shakeup. Format staples Uro, Field of the Dead, Mystic Sanctuary, and Simian Spirit Guide are all gone, along with new menace Tibalt’s Trickery. With these bans, Modern has returned to its pre-Throne of Eldraine state, and the format is super exciting to play! If you’re looking to get some games in on Magic …
How to Get Back Into Modern
Magic has mostly moved online since early 2020, but Magic players are eagerly awaiting the return of tabletop organized play and some of their favorite formats like Modern. A handful of people, including myself, have distanced themselves from some formats since competitive Magic’s focus shifted to Standard and Historic. Standard and Historic are some of my favorite formats, but this …
Updating Modern Death’s Shadow: Rakdos, Jund, and Grixis
Death’s Shadow has multiple flavors and variants that have all seen success throughout its history. Naturally, this leads players to wonder which version they should play, when they should play each version, and which is the best. Recently, Rakdos, Jund, and Grixis have all found levels of success, which only makes the previous concerns more valid. Truthfully, I believe that …