Three-Mana Rocks You Should Run in Commander

There are many aspects of Commander that form its identity: the multiplayer format, the singleton rule, and the commanders themselves. Commander is also known for the emphasis it puts on mana acceleration; in order to play your big spells and reach your late game sometime this year, you’ll need more mana than a single land drop per turn can provide. ... Read More...

Three Things You Can Try to Improve Your Commander Games

Kristen shares a few ideas that could improve your Commander games. Commander is one of the broadest and most diverse formats of any game on the planet, let alone Magic. With that diversity of playstyle comes diversity of approach, and what works for you might not work for others outside your playgroup. Today, I’ll share a few ideas I’ve been ... Read More...
Kamigawa Neon Dynasty's New Planeswalkers

Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty’s New Planeswalkers

Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty previews have begun, so put on your cyberpunk playlist and get ready! Between new cards and the recent bans in Standard earlier this week, we have an exciting new format to explore. We’ll kick things off by going through the headliners of yesterday’s Neon Dynasty preview stream: the new planeswalker cards. Tamiyo, Compleated Sage All will be ... Read More...
Modern Deck Guide Four Color Deaths Shadow

Modern Deck Guide: Four-Color Death’s Shadow

Grixis Death’s Shadow has been putting up great results in Modern since November. In fact, it made the cut as one of just three A-Tier decks in our monthly Modern Tier List last week. But ironically, over the last two months, I’ve been gravitating to Four-Color Death’s Shadow instead.  Why stray from such a successful formula? Simply put, to see ... Read More...
Combo Crash Course Dark Depths

Combo Crash Course: Dark Depths

Welcome back to Combo Crash Course, our semi-regular exploration of Magic’s greatest combo decks. This week, we’re kicking things up a notch in the power department. While previously, we’ve spent some time with famous combo decks from Standard, Historic and Modern, this will be our first time delving into the explosive combo potential of eternal formats like Legacy, Vintage, and ... Read More...

Fortify – MTG Keywords Explained

Future Sight produced a lot of one-off mechanics, but you never know when one could crop up in Magic again. Today, we’ll be taking a look at fortify, which allows you to equip your lands! What is Fortify? The fortify mechanic will be familiar with you if you’re played with Darksteel Garrison. It’s basically equip, but for lands instead of ... Read More...
Breaking the Singleton Rule in Commander

Breaking the Singleton Rule in Commander

There are many features that define Commander as a format – from the social aspects to the power level discussions and the commanders themselves. Perhaps the most outstanding quality Commander has is that it’s a singleton format – though there are some cards and decks that ignore this completely. There are few cards in Magic that state “A deck can ... Read More...