3 Best Things Best Modern Decks have

3 Things that the Best Modern Decks Have in Common

I sat down the other day to take a big picture look at the Modern metagame, and I noticed that many of the top Modern decks have some traits in common. Noticing these trends can allow you to exploit a weakness in the metagame, or predict movement in the future. When considering whether you should pick up a new Modern ... Read More...
Best Decks in Historic Jan 2022

Best Decks in Historic: January 2022

Historic has seen some big changes in recent months, thanks to the introduction of Alchemy and the rebalancing of cards like Luminarch Aspirant. But how much have these changes affected the metagame itself? Today, we’ll be going over three of the best decks in the format. Jund The more things change, the more they stay the same. Jund Sacrifice continues ... Read More...
Combo Heartbeat of Spring

Combo Crash Course: Heartbeat of Spring

Welcome back to Combo Crash Course, our semi-regular exploration of Magic’s greatest combo decks. In the first few installments of this series, we’ve shown off a variety of different approaches to combo, and today we’re adding another one: what I call a “non-deterministic” combo game plan. We say a player has “a deterministic kill” when their deck has passed the ... Read More...

Absorb – MTG Keywords Explained

Future Sight produced a lot of one-off mechanics, but you never know when one could crop up in Magic again. Join us today as we take a look at absorb, a mechanic that protects creatures from damage! What is Absorb? At time of writing, absorb has only appeared on one card: Lymph Sliver. Absorb, written as “absorb N,” prevents N ... Read More...
5 Commander Resolutions

5 Commander New Year’s Resolutions for 2022

The new year is upon us, and that means it’s time for new year’s resolutions! They’re almost always centered around self improvement, and can be difficult to maintain. While the more difficult ones are certainly possible (I’m now 6 years smoke free!), they can feel like an uphill battle – especially as the new year comes directly after the most ... Read More...
Invisible Clock

Racing the Invisible Clock Against Control in EDH

Casual games of Commander can be a minefield when it comes to politics, especially when you’re playing against control or combo decks that operate from the hand. If you can’t see anything incriminating in play, how do you keep them in check? Sometimes, deciding when to go hard against a control deck is seemingly impossible in casual games of Commander. ... Read More...
State of Modern 2021

State of Modern: 2021

As 2021 comes to a close, this is a nice time to sit back and reflect on the past year in Magic. Over the last year, Modern has had some memorable moments and big shakeups. Before we start looking forward to 2022, I’m going to look back at some of the defining events of this year, and share my feelings ... Read More...