How Much Life is an Extra Turn Worth in EDH?

Kristen asks a question you should be asking yourself in a game of Commander: How much life is an extra turn worth? So, I was a little devious when I recently put up a poll on Twitter. I asked people how much life they thought was fair to pay to take an extra turn in EDH if the spell cost ... Read More...

3 New Pioneer Decks with Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty

Before the COVID-19 pandemic, Pioneer was Magic’s hottest new format. But when organized play went on hiatus and a wave of bans hit the format, many players quickly forgot about Pioneer. Now, as large events are becoming more of a reality, players are giving Pioneer another look – especially given the impact that Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty is having on the ... Read More...

How to Sell Your Collection

Sometimes, you want to sell cards to Card Kingdom, but looking over the mountains of cards you ... Read More...

Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty Draft By The Numbers

Welcome back, my scientifically-minded Draft players! At time of writing, almost two weeks of Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty Limited are on the record. Various surveillance thopters and cyber kami have begun filtering that data into a more complete picture of the format – one that can supplement and validate our first instincts as Magic players. That’s what this Draft By Numbers ... Read More...

Phyrexian Mana – MTG Keywords Explained

Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty marks the return of fan-favorite mechanics like ninjutsu, as well as a powerful mechanic from the faraway plane of New Phyrexia! What is Phyrexian Mana? Phryexian mana denotes a mana cost that can be paid in one of two ways: You can either pay one mana of the appropriate color, or you can pay two life. Take ... Read More...

Codifying Power Level in Commander

I don’t think of Commander as a format. Now that I have your attention, I should probably explain myself. To me, Commander is less of a format, and more like a framework. When you call something a format, that implies there is a strict set of rules by which to define it. When you play Modern, Pauper, or Pioneer, there ... Read More...

Not Everything that Slows You Down is Stax

Kristen sets out to reframe Stax’s place in EDH. She argues that too many cards are pigeon-holed as Stax when they actually have a place in the format.  If you’ve played a game of EDH, you’ve probably encountered the “groan.” While quite often it’ll arise from terrible puns and wordplay (at least at my tables), it’s usually heralded by a ... Read More...