How I Build an EDH Deck

How I Build An EDH Deck: The Commander Moodboard

Today, Kristen takes us through her deck building process. She uses an iterative process, usually offline, and kicks it off with her “Commander Moodboard”. Deck building is often a very personal thing. No matter how we do it, and no matter what resources we use, it’s something very unique to each Commander player. I’ve often been asked how I build ... Read More...
best modern decks for beginners

Best Modern Decks for Beginners

Michael Rapp takes us through his top five Modern decks for beginners, taking into account budget, ease of learning, and overall strength in the Modern metagame.  Before we get into my selection, I’d like to clarify one thing. I’ve seen a number of articles of this style that just default to “here are the five cheapest decks in Modern”, and ... Read More...
underrated standard decks

3 Underrated Standard Decks: September 2021

We’re a couple of weeks into Midnight Hunt Standard. The games have been fun, the format seems healthy, and people are starting to figure out what the cream of the crop is. Today, we’re going to go off the trail of conventional thought for a bit and talk about three underrated decks in Standard. Mono-Black Control Mono-Black has been on ... Read More...
MID draft by the numbers

Innistrad: Midnight Hunt Draft By the Numbers

I don’t know about you readers, but I’m still howlin’ mad about Innistrad: Midnight Hunt. Drafting this set has been maybe my favorite Limited experience since Zendikar Rising and that includes all sorts of different color combinations and archetypes. If you haven’t tried it out yet, we put out a detailed guide last week which can quickly give you some ... Read More...
commander deck eloise

Anatomy of a Commander Deck: Eloise, Nephalia Sleuth

Brewing means very different things to different people. For some, it’s a means to an end; a necessary step between the player and the games they want to play. For others, it’s the journey from idea to final draft that forms the deck’s personality. While there’s no right or wrong way to view it, most Magic players respect those that ... Read More...
sorceries in commander

Midnight Hunt Makes a Case for Sorceries in EDH

Sorceries always play second fiddle to instants when it comes to Commander, and it’s really no surprise why. In an increasingly fast and swingy format, what can sorceries offer? And what tools does Midnight Hunt give us? Sorceries are Bad in EDH Let’s face it — sorceries are just bad in EDH. Yes, there are some great sorceries, and yes, ... Read More...
the early frontrunners midnight hunt standard

The Early Frontrunners in Midnight Hunt Standard

The new Standard format is in full swing: we’ve had a few online tournaments and lots of ladder data. So today, we’ll be going over some early frontrunners for the best decks in the format. If you’re looking for a deck to play on MTG Arena or at your local FNM, I have three archetypes to recommend, along with different ... Read More...