Jacks of All Trades: Evaluating Modal Cards for Commander

Many are familiar with the adage “a jack of all trades is a master of none.” What most people don’t know, however, is that the phrase is incomplete. The full saying is “a jack of all trades is a master of none, but oftentimes better than a master of one.” The same can be said about Magic cards, especially in ... Read More...

Tainted Pact Historic Deck Guide

Historic has been at the forefront of everyone’s minds since the injection of Mystical Archive into the format, and few cards have been as hyped up as Tainted Pact. Last weekend’s Star City Games $5K Strixhaven Qualifier saw four copies of a Tainted Pact combo deck reach the top 12, and the deck has been all over the Arena ladder, ... Read More...

3 Underrated Standard Decks

Strixhaven Standard is in full swing, and as many players have noticed, not much has changed since before the new set released. While Rogues, Temur Adventures and Sultai Ultimatum are still the pillars of the format, they aren’t your only options for spiking tournaments or climbing the Arena ladder. Today, we’ll go over three decks that are great for anyone ... Read More...

Modern Horizons 2 Predictions

In case you’ve been bewildered by the sheer rate of releases, we’re only a month away from perhaps the most important set of the year: Modern Horizons 2.  By June 11th, we will be almost exactly two years on from the original Modern Horizons set, so there’s been plenty of time to think through its unprecedented impact on Constructed. Urza, ... Read More...

Demonstrate – MTG Keywords Explained

In many cases, Magic is a zero-sum game: one player wins and the other loses. But that isn’t always so in multiplayer formats like Commander. When several people play together, it’s often advantageous for players to work together for mutual benefit. And in Magic‘s latest Commander decks, there are many cards that encourage and even reward cooperation. Today, we’re going ... Read More...

Spellslinger Commander Deck Building Guide

Few Commander strategies have been around as long as Spellslinger, and even fewer have remained viable. It’s like a beautiful house of cards, with each piece leaning on another to become something immense. Watching an experienced player piloting a Spellslinger deck can be a fascinating sight to behold; from the rapid decisions to the almost psychic knowledge of their library’s ... Read More...

The Efficient Card Isn’t Always the Best Card

In our pursuit of efficiency, we’re leaving perfectly playable and sometimes powerful cards behind. While some cards can be considered casualties of inevitable power creep, many of the most useful effects in the format can be too readily discarded. Today, I’d like to make a case for another way. Pursuing Efficiency It’s safe to say that the Commander community is ... Read More...