Three Decks Taking Over Standard
Since the banning of Omnath, we have seen the Standard format blossom. We’ve had a lot of churn in the top decks, fun dynamic gameplay, and a good balance of decks. Typically, around this time in a format, we would be talking about how best to tune one of the three best decks we have been talking about for weeks. ... Read More...
Powering Up Your Commander Decks
I’ve been writing quite a lot about Commander here of late. One reason why is that discussion tends to prompt more discussion; my initial articles led to a lot of interesting chats online and with friends in my Magic groups who wanted to know more, or share their own take on what I’d written. And after writing a couple of ... Read More...
Defender – MTG Keywords Explained
A game of Magic: The Gathering ends when you reduce your opponents’ life total from 20 to 0. And, consequently, many games of Magic are won and lost based on creature combat. But sometimes the best offense is a good defense. If you like to play a slower and more defensive game, there’s a certain type of creature that might ... Read More...
The Power of Recursion: What’s Yours is Mine
Kristen takes us through some choice ways to plunder your opponent’s graveyards. Recursion is something I’ve enjoyed writing about before over at Hipsters of the Coast. I feel that, along with ramp and draw, recursion is one the pillars of the Commander format — especially when it comes to gauging power levels. The Power of Recursion In fact, one of ... Read More...
Modern Staples to Pick Up This Black Friday
With paper Magic on a hiatus, prices of paper cards have naturally come down — and with upcoming holiday sales, the available deals will likely be even sweeter. I’ve had my eye on a number of Modern staples that are currently underpriced and have plenty of room to grow once paper Magic makes its return. I know I’ll be scoping ... Read More...
Commander Kingdom Decklists: November 2020
Commander Kingdom is our new monthly Commander livestream series featuring special guests from the Magic community. This month, we gathered three of your favorite creators for a special pre-Thanksgiving showdown featuring some new cards from Commander Legends. Watch the action unfold below, and check out our guests’ decklists after the jump. Crim: Lil Oozie Hurt While he streams MTG Arena ... Read More...
7 Cards to Play in Standard Rogues
I recently heard a story that I’ve been thinking about a lot. A Magic player was once talking to Brad Nelson, and they asked him for advice on how to improve their game. This player was playing the stock best deck with all the best cards on rate, but they still weren’t getting the results they wanted. Here’s the advice ... Read More...