Top 10 Mystery Booster Foils

Greetings, fellow magicians – this week, we’re doing something a little different. I often use this space to tackle broader Magic strategy or design theory. That’s fun, but so is doing something a little more grounded and direct from time to time. This week sees the much-hyped retail release of the Mystery Booster set, complete with a special list of ... Read More...

Top Tools for New MTG Players

Magic has tens of thousands of cards, with new ones coming out every year. When you’re new to the game, it can be hard to figure out which cards you need to build the perfect deck, or which ones are the most useful in your favorite format. Fortunately, there are plenty of online resources to help you brainstorm cards, see ... Read More...

Modern Bant Snowblade Deck Guide

The ever cyclical Modern metagame continues to swing toward fair decks, and Bant Snowblade is the latest deck on the rise. Gone are the days of “Draw-Go” Azorius Control decks; proactive decks with Stoneforge Mystic are much more popular. This past weekend, Bant Snowblade picked up a MTGO Prelim 5-0 with a list I found particularly interesting. Let’s take a ... Read More...

Mono-Black Decks in Pioneer

Mono-Black is one of Pioneer’s oldest archetypes, and has continued to be a mainstay. It’s an aggressive strategy that utilizes cheap, resilient creatures like Bloodsoaked Champion and Dread Wanderer to get the ball rolling, while using the most powerful interaction spells in the format in Thoughtseize and Fatal Push to drive your threats home. Just in case your smaller creatures ... Read More...

Bant Ramp in Standard

For a while, I had been struggling to find a deck I liked in Standard. Mono-Red Aggro, UW Control, Jeskai Fires, and Temur Reclamation are all cool in their own way, and each has a consistent game plan. I don’t mind playing one of them in a big tournament — in fact, I brought UW to DreamHack Anaheim just a ... Read More...

MTG Challenger Decks 2020

Challenger Decks are back for 2020, and Magic players are already excited about what this new batch of decks has to offer. All four decks are currently available at Card Kingdom individually or as a set of four for just $99.99. Challenger Decks are preconstructed Standard decks, built to be competitive out of the box at Friday Night Magic. As ... Read More...

Intro to Chaos Draft

Quick poll for you, readers! How many of you out there are still regularly drafting Theros Beyond Death? And, if you are still drafting it, are you enjoying it as much as you did in the first week or two? It’s very common that the shine starts to come off of booster draft formats over time, no matter how well-received ... Read More...