Modern Jund Deck Guide

A Jund article in 2020? I know, weird, right? Don’t close the tab, though — you’ll want to read this. If you’ve kept your ear to the ground in Modern recently, you may have heard some whispers that Jund is good again. Those whispers got some validation last weekend when Michael Farrell took down the Star City Games Classic with ... Read More...

How to Build a Cube

I don’t know about you, readers, but for me, one of the reasons Magic is such an enduring hobby is because it’s actually many similar hobbies/games stuffed into a trenchcoat. Even if I get tired of Standard, I can play some Legacy for a completely refreshing yet familiar play experience. Or Commander, or Booster Draft, or mental Magic if my ... Read More...

Bogles Deck Guide

Bogles are back in Standard! If you’ve played this archetype in Modern or Pauper, you’re probably either very excited, or already sideboarding against it. If you’re not sure what all the fuss is about, here are the basics of Bogles, including some fun facts and advice from noted Modern Bogles player Maria Bartholdi of Good Luck High Five. A Slippery ... Read More...

A History of Un-Cards

You’re at Gen Con at a Magic: The Gathering prerelease. The head judge of the event is dressed in a chicken suit. You might think this is some kind of joke. You’re exactly right. It’s… 1998 — Unglued For the first time, Magic cards are printed with a silver border. Each card with this silver lining tells you, “I don’t ... Read More...

Checking In: Theros Beyond Death in Modern

It has been a month since Theros Beyond Death was released, and some of you may remember the “Top Five Theros Beyond Death Cards for Modern” article I wrote around that time. I thought this would be a fun opportunity to check in and ask, “Where are they now?”  As it turns out, all five of these cards have seen ... Read More...

Card Kingdom Partners with MagiKids

Think about the first Magic: The Gathering cards you ever owned – the building blocks for the collection you have today. Maybe you went down to your local card shop and bought some booster packs, or maybe a generous friend gave you a box of cards they didn’t need. Those cards gave you your first taste of Magic, your first ... Read More...

Top 10 Theros Cards at Worlds

It’s taken quite a few weeks to gauge the impact of Theros Beyond Death on Standard. Magic’s most popular competitive format took a backseat to Pioneer in the week’s following Theros’s release due to a trio of highly-publicized Regional Player’s Tours. But last weekend, at the Magic World Championship in Hawaii, we saw long-forgotten strategies surge back to the forefront ... Read More...