MTG Character Profile: Sorin Markov

This is the first in a series of profiles of some of the planeswalkers appearing in War of the Spark. In this article, we look at the life and adventures of Sorin Markov, a vampiric aristocrat from the plane of Innistrad. Sorin’s Origin Thousands of years ago, Sorin’s grandfather Edgar Markov made a deal with a demon to protect his ... Read More...

Finding Fblthp

Six years ago, a lost homunculus found his way into our hearts. We knew very little about Fblthp – he lived on Ravnica, he was totally lost, and he had always hated crowds. But a single line of flavor text was enough to endear him to Magic players the world over, and thus, the mythos of Fblthp was born. The ... Read More...

War of the Spark Planeswalkers

War of the Spark preview season has begun! Zombies are invading Ravnica! Planeswalkers are fighting for their lives! Liliana has betrayed Nicol Bolas! The War of the Spark trailer whet the appetites of new and enfranchised players alike, and hype for the set is at unprecedented levels. But, of course, we aren’t just excited about the story of War of ... Read More...

Unmasking “The Jester”

With War of the Spark’s impending release, the Magic community is full of speculation. Will Bolas triumph? Is Mowu actually a Planeswalker? Not all questions are answered so quickly, though. Some mysteries prevail to this day, such as “Who is the Raven Man?” Another such long-standing burning inquiry – which feels especially appropriate on April Fool’s Day – is “Who ... Read More...

MTGNerdGirl and the Mythic Invitational

The Mythic Invitational – Wizards of the Coast’s first major tournament held on MTG Arena – begins this Friday at PAX East. The members of the Magic Pro League, the top eight ranked Constructed players in MTG Arena, and dozens of accomplished content creators will compete for their share of a $1 million prize pool. One of those content creators ... Read More...

A Beginner’s Guide to Modern Dredge

With KCI no longer around to prey on fair decks, we’ve seen a spike in grindier strategies in Modern. This shift, along with the printing of Creeping Chill, has propelled Dredge to the peak of popularity. Dredge attacks on a different axis than other creature-based strategies, using the graveyard more heavily than any other deck in Modern. The Dredge mechanic ... Read More...