Community Spotlight: The Planeswalker Academy

One of the greatest things about Magic is its ability to bring people together. Talk to any Magic player from the kitchen table to the Pro Tour and they’ll have plenty of stories to tell about the people they connected with through playing Magic. For this month’s Community Spotlight, we spoke with Robert and Danielle Garner, who invited the Magic ... Read More...

Let’s Brew: Arcades, the Strategist

Hello everyone, and welcome back to Let’s Brew! Much like Magic Origins, Core Set 2019 is once again taking up the narrative gauntlet as we learn the history of bad ol’ Bolas and his Elder Dragon brethren in a not-quite Dominaria follow-up. Today, we’re going to build a deck around another value-driven, two-bird-killing stone that is sure to be a ... Read More...

Teaching with Color Theory

The release of Core Set 2019 has been the cause of widespread celebration throughout the Magic community. Core Sets are a great time for Magic players, since they supplement other sets throughout the year and also help get back to the basics of the game. They’re also a great entry point for many players, since Core Sets rarely introduce new ... Read More...

Key Constructed Cards from Core Set 2019

Another new set means another opportunity to shake up constructed, and M19 doesn’t disappoint! This is the first core set since Magic Origins in 2015, and with it comes the opportunity to inject staples back into Standard, as well as unleashing powerful new tools for all our favorite Constructed formats. The Planeswalkers        A new core set means a new ... Read More...

Core Set 2019 Prerelease Vlog

Core Set 2019 is finally here, and players everywhere are excited for the new planeswalkers, the powerful elder dragons, and reprints of beloved cards! We sent our friend Sam Tang to our local game store, Mox Boarding House, to see what the community thinks of the new set...

Chromium, the Mutable: A Brawl Deck Tech

Unlike every other shard, Standard hasn’t had a legendary Esper card since the days of actual Esper (Sen Triplets and Sharuum the Hegemon). For Brawlers, getting Chromium, the Mutable is the first opportunity to build an Esper deck, and it’s an interesting card to boot. While its flash, flying, and resistance to removal are best suited for a control deck ... Read More...

Top 19 Brawl Cards from Core Set 2019

Did you have relatives who gave you dollars on your birthday equal to how old you were? I’m really glad they don’t expect quid pro quo on that…Regardless, the return of Core Sets with years in them enables top X lists, just like those old birthdays. Before we go through my top 19 Brawl cards from Core Set 2019, I ... Read More...