Battle on a Budget: The $30 Vintage Takeover

Tom AndersonPauper, Products, Strategy

Part of what makes Magic so great is the way its many different formats allow us to experience the game in different ways. Each format has its own metagame, history, community, and playstyles, and as we get more experienced most players will naturally home in on the ones we feel the most affinity for. Vintage is different though. To the …

Clashing Clans: Analyzing the New Siege Cycle

Tom AndersonProducts

When the clans of Tarkir debuted in 2014, their evocative presentation established enduring identities for each of the three-color “wedges”. Despite the interference of Tarkir’s resurrected dragon flights, the five clans have persisted, and in Tarkir: Dragonstorm they have recovered enough strength to once again make war at epic scale.  But unlike their struggle for survival against the dragons, represented …

The Best Self-Mill Cards in Magic

The Best Self-Mill Cards in Magic

Tom AndersonCommander, Legacy, Modern, Pioneer, Standard

Graveyard decks have always been a huge part of Magic, ever since the first Animate Dead was used to cheat out the first Lord of the Pit or Shivan Dragon. But if you broaden your definition beyond simple reanimation, almost every deck has some way to get value out of the yard – and if yours doesn’t, you’re probably not …