How to Pick a Board Wipe in Commander

Kristen GregoryCommander

When it comes to picking a board wipe for your Commander deck, it can sometimes feel like there are too many options. There are 116 cards alone that have the words “destroy all creatures” on them, and that’s for starters. When you factor in damage wraths, exile wraths, bounce wraths, and the more niche cards too? That number increases by …

Learning from Limited in Commander: UW Flyers

Kristen GregoryCommander

We all have a favorite Limited archetype, and whether that’s Blue-Red Spellslinger, Five-Color Green, or Blue-White Flyers, there’s something satisfying about the gameplay that keeps us coming back for more. Today, I want to look at how to capture one of those archetypes in an EDH deck. We’ll look at how to “scale up” that archetype for Commander, what cards …

Time Spiral Remastered Preview Cards

Kristen GregoryProducts

It’s Time Spiral Remastered preview week, and Kristen takes us back to 2006 with her free preview cards. Time Spiral originally released in 2006, and I don’t know about you, but I wasn’t even aware Magic existed back then. But 2006 was when I really started to get into internet culture, and I’m sure that’s the same for a lot …

Aura-n’t You Missing Something: Reexamining Auras in EDH

Kristen GregoryCommander

In days gone, enchantments — and auras, in particular — were often deemed quite risky, especially if you had to untap with them to get any value. I’d say those days are over. OLD SCHOOL EDH When I first started playing Commander around five years ago, the game was centered around enter-the-battlefield effects, incremental value, recursion, and combos. It might …

Leveraging Virtual Card Advantage in Commander

Kristen GregoryCommander, Strategy

I’d like to talk about something a little different today, and that’s the idea of virtual card advantage.  I recently put together a draft list of a Boros flicker deck, helmed by Archangel Avacyn. My goal was to have a little fun, running lots of cool ETB creatures like Dualcaster Mage and Wildfire Devils. Instead of the usual “greatest hits” …

Kaldheim Commander Upgrade Guide: Elven Empire

Kristen GregoryCommander

Kaldheim brings with it two new preconstructed decks: Phantom Premonition, a blue-white control-oriented foretell deck, and Elven Empire, a Black-Green Elf tribal deck. I was inspired a while back to build Black-Green Elves when the tribe got new support in Commander Legends, so I’ve taken up the task of reviewing and upgrading Elven Empire.  ELVEN EMPIRE: NEW COMMANDER CARDS A …

Budget Blitz: Kaldheim Budget Commander Cards

Kristen GregoryCommander

Kaldheim releases on Friday, February 5th, and there are bargains to be had… if you know where to look. Kristen takes us through the cream of the budget crop, including her picks for the best budget Commanders from the set.  Every quarter, I review the latest Standard set and make my recommendations for budget cards to pick up. The series …

Why Voltron Isn’t Viable in Casual Commander

Kristen GregoryCommander

Voltron in Commander has historically been a bit of an underdog. Part of that is because of how easy it is to disassemble; an equal part has been because of how narrow a game plan it has. But why has its viability fallen in recent times? Let’s dig in. Voltron Voltron is the strategy of having your deck revolve around …