Casual Commander’s Most Underrated Abilities

Kristen GregoryCommander

Today, Kristen takes us through what she believes are the most underrated abilities in casual Commander.  When I think of casual Commander, I think of creatures. Creatures are the bread and butter of casual builds, and a lot of games with this ethos end when a player uses combat damage as the win condition — even when those decks have …

Commander Legends Upgrade Guide: Arm for Battle

Kristen GregoryCommander

Commander Legends brings with it two new preconstructed decks: Reap the Tides, a Simic sea-themed deck, and Arm for Battle, a Boros aura/equipment voltron deck. If you know me at all, you’ll know I jumped at the chance to review the latter, and so without further ado, let’s dive on into this Boros Bonanza.  Arm for Battle: New Commander Cards …

Budget Blitz: Best Budget Commander Legends Cards

Kristen GregoryCommander

Commander Legends releases on Friday, November 20th, and there are bargains to be had… if you know where to look. Kristen takes us through the cream of the budget crop, including her picks for the best budget Commanders from the set.  My long-running Budget Blitz column sees another entry with Commander Legends. Every quarter, I review the latest Standard set …

Talking Commander Legends with Gavin Verhey

Kristen GregoryCommander

Kristen sits down with Gavin Verhey, Senior Magic Designer at Wizards of the Coast, to talk designing Commander Legends, the secrets to surviving lockdown with your sanity in check, and a little card called Jeweled Lotus. Hey Gavin, hope you’re well! How’s working from home going? Do you have any ingenious ways to spice up your routine? Hi Kristen! Always …

Commander: Chulane’s Spooky Stories

Kristen GregoryCommander

It’s almost Halloween, and so there’s no excuse to not spook things up a little. Ahead of the inaugural Commander Kingdom stream on the 28th, let’s sit down, light a fire, and bust out some ghost stories. Gather ‘round, ye Vorthos! Once Upon a Time There’s a certain feeling of unease that comes from telling spooky stories. Even the most …

How to Customize Your Commander Decks

Kristen GregoryCommander, Community

One of the big draws of Commander for many people is the ability to customize your deck. Whether you’re a lover of janky tribal, have an appreciation for a favorite artist, or just really love a particular archetype, there are plenty of ways to put that personal stamp on your build.  Adding a personal touch is an easy way to …

A Pattern of Rebirth: Magic in 2020

Kristen GregoryCommunity

If you’ve played Magic for any length of time, you’ll be familiar by now with the sometimes annual and oftentimes more frequent cry that “Magic is dead!” Players who have been playing much longer than you and I will have rolled out this rhetoric many times, from the first reprints in Fourth Edition and Chronicles, to the introduction of Planeswalkers, …

Commander: Akiri & Silas Renn’s Treasure Hunt

Kristen GregoryCommander

Ever since the treasure mechanic was introduced, I’ve had the desire to build a deck around it. With the influx of great artifact reprints in Double Masters, now’s a great time to build an artifact deck. Today, I want to take you through my Four-Color Treasure Hunt deck, helmed by Akiri, Line-Slinger and Silas Renn, Seeker Adept. It’s a blast …

Let’s Get Clerical: Ayli, Eternal Pilgrim

Kristen GregoryCommander

Clerics are the flavor of the week right now with Orah, Skyclave Hierophant offering a great new Commander for Cleric tribal builds. Ever the contrarian, I’ve decided to revisit Ayli, Eternal Pilgrim instead. She’s just so damn cool.  Ayli, Eternal Pilgrim Ayli is first and foremost a rewarding play experience, and I think that’s one of the reasons I’m always …