Zendikar Rising Draft Guide

Tom AndersonLimited

This past week has seen drafters on MTG Arena and MTGO make their long-awaited return to Zendikar — and the plane of hedrons is NOT as we left it! Not only are we free to explore the wilds without Eldrazi interference for the first time since original Zendikar, but there are these new double-faced “spell lands” running around everywhere, challenging …

Amonkhet Remastered Draft Guide

Tom AndersonLimited

Alright readers, who’s ready for a bit of sun and sand?! Amonkhet Remastered releases imminently on MTGA, bringing back the powerful graveyard synergies and red deck staples that marked Magic’s stay in the realm of the God-Pharaoh. Historic players are abuzz figuring out the impact of these new cards (particularly those looking to build around The Scarab God and The …

Building a Cube with Double Masters

Bradley RoseCube, Limited

Double Masters is fun to draft because of the powerful cards you open, and many of these cards are popular in multiple formats, including cube. So how are you adding these cards to your cube? If you haven’t built a cube before check out our article, How to Build a Cube. In this piece, we will go cover building a …

Drafting Double Masters for Two

Bradley RoseLimited

So, you want to draft Double Masters, Magic’s newest “greatest hits” set. Good news: it’s available to draft on Magic Online this Thursday, August 6th! But what if you don’t have a Magic Online account or seven other people to draft with? Playing Magic in large groups is awfully difficult these days. But wait! Do you have at least one …

Building a Budget Cube

Alex KatzCube, Design, Limited

When most Magic players think of cubes, they think of “powered” cubes. These are the big draftable collections of cards that show up every so often on Magic: the Gathering Online, or that your friends might build with the most powerful cards in their collections. Many cubes feature the Power 9 or the most well-known cards in formats like Modern, …

Core 2021 Draft Guide

Hallie SantoLimited

Drafting a core set isn’t quite the same as drafting any other Magic set. The mechanics are simpler, the themes are less prominent, and there generally aren’t as many unique build-around cards. But that doesn’t make drafting a core set any less challenging, rewarding, or fun. Core set drafts give players an opportunity to work on their fundamentals and practice …

Ikoria Draft Guide

Hallie SantoLimited

Ikoria drafts went live on MTG Arena last week, and with it, we have several new ways to play. Many Magic players are excited to sink their teeth into this format, especially in the long-awaited player draft queues. But players may also find Ikoria a bit more complicated than other recent sets. Multicolor draft formats force us to answer hard …

How to Rotisserie Draft

Hallie SantoLimited

In the wake of COVID-19, the Magic: The Gathering community has found new and creative ways to enjoy our favorite hobby. In the past few weeks, we’ve offered tips on how to play Magic at home and keep your collection organized. We’ve covered the new tournament series springing up online and the efforts Commander players are making to engage their …

Intro to Chaos Draft

Tom AndersonLimited

Quick poll for you, readers! How many of you out there are still regularly drafting Theros Beyond Death? And, if you are still drafting it, are you enjoying it as much as you did in the first week or two? It’s very common that the shine starts to come off of booster draft formats over time, no matter how well-received …

How to Draft

Card KingdomLimited, Strategy

Drafting is one of the most popular forms of Magic: The Gathering, and with one of the lowest barriers to entry. For this reason, draft is ideal for new Magic players or players who are returning to the game after a break. If this sounds like you, we’re here to walk you through the basics of how to draft and …