The Best Alchemy Decks for Laddering on Arena

The Best Alchemy Decks for Laddering on Arena

Alchemy has been out for a week now, and it’s been a wild ride. It’s always fun exploring a new format, and Alchemy is no different. So many creative and unique decks have already popped up in the format, but someone has to be the fun police, and it might as well be you. Today, I’ll be sharing three Alchemy ... Read More...
Combo Crash Course Cat Oven

Combo Crash Course: Cat-Oven

The title of this series may be Combo Crash Course, but not all famous card combinations lead to the gameplay we would expect out of a “combo deck”. Combo decks are typically defined by their focus on building toward one explosive turn, often winning on the spot once their combo conditions are reached. That’s certainly the case for Splinter Twin ... Read More...

Forecast – MTG Keywords Explained

This time around, we’re taking a look back to original Ravnica block and a mechanic that allows you to look ahead. Get ready to learn all about forecast! What is Forecast? Forecast is a bit of an odd mechanic, for a couple of reasons. First of all, it only functions when the card with forecast is in your hand. Second, ... Read More...
Best Ramp in Commander

The Best Ramp Spells in Commander

Commander is a special format; it plays like no other, and has very different heuristics compared to any other way to play. One such heuristic is that virtually every deck needs ramp; without it, you’ll easily fall behind as the table progresses. Most Commander decks can go over the top of everyone else, but they need a way to ensure ... Read More...
Graveyards are Far from Sacred in Commander

Graveyards Are Far From Sacred in Commander

Unlike lands, creatures, planeswalkers, artifacts and enchantments, there’s something of an aura of sanctity around graveyards in Commander. It’s easy to see why, if you really think about it: everyone loves a good graveyard deck, and everyone has one. In a format where people are encouraged to let everyone “do their thing,” it’s courteous to let a graveyard deck tool ... Read More...
What's Better in Modern

What’s Better in Modern: Grixis Lurrus or Death’s Shadow?

Over the last few weeks, there has been a lot of discussion in the Grixis community about whether to include Death’s Shadow in your deck. While many of you can probably guess where I stand on this, I’m here today to present some facts about these two decks and when it’s best to play one over the other. First things ... Read More...
Alchemy Decklists

3 Alchemy Decklists for MTG Arena

Alchemy has been the talk of the Magic community for the past week, and it’s available to play on MTG Arena today. While opinions on the format have been mixed so far, I think it’s going to be a super fun way to play Magic. If you want to learn more about the format, check out our explainer article! But ... Read More...