Aurelia The Warleader Update

Overperforming Cards in Aurelia, the Warleader

We’ve just had a brief respite between preview seasons, and so I’ve had time to take stock of what’s been working well for me in Commander recently. This week, I’ve decided to check in on my Aurelia, the Warleader deck. There have been many solid red and white cards printed over the past 6 months or so — which ones ... Read More...
Modern Deck Guide Five-Color Elementals

Modern Deck Guide: Five-Color Elementals

The Modern metagame tends to move at one of two speeds. When a card or archetype becomes dominant, the metagame will change relatively slowly, and it may take a ban or an impactful set to shake things up. But if such a change does happen, the metagame may begin to shift rapidly, with decks changing position from week to week.  ... Read More...
New Strats Coming to Historic Horizons

New Strategies Coming to Historic with Historic Horizons

Jumpstart: Historic Horizons is just a week away, and when it releases, the Historic format will never be the same. The set will create entirely new deck archetypes, and today, we’ll be taking a look at five examples. While these might not be the optimal builds (the full set was just released yesterday!), these are great jumping-off points for building ... Read More...
Treasure Should Be In Every Magic Set

Why Treasure Should Be In Every Magic Set

After several weeks giving Adventures in the Forgotten Realms a good thrashing, I’ve come to a monumental and unexpected realization: Treasure is the most important mechanic in Magic: The Gathering. And that’s only partially because of all the Immersturm Predators it helps me cast turn three on the play! Not every mechanic needs to herald a huge evolution in how ... Read More...

Class – MTG Keywords Explained

Adventures in the Forgotten Realms has brought the flavor of D&D to Magic with exciting new cards and game mechanics. Recently, we covered how you can go dungeon-crawling with the new Dungeon cards; today, we’ll be showing you how you can level up your player character! What is Class? Class is a new enchantment subtype in Adventures of the Forgotten ... Read More...
5 Great Commander Cards Under 5

5 Great Commander Cards Under $5

It’s near impossible to keep up with all of the cards in Commander and their various uses. Some incredible cards will inevitably slip through the cracks and fade into obscurity, appearing only as pet cards or secret technology in the decks of brewers with too much time on their hands (yes, this is a self-callout).  Today, I’ve got five such ... Read More...
How to Spot Power Creep in Commander

How to Spot Power Creep in Commander

Power creep is common in TCG’s, and it’s something that most games experience — at least games with a live model, or a model that involves multiplayer interaction and new elements of design. Power creep in Magic has, by and large, been quite slow given the game has been going for more than 25 years. Power Creep in Magic This ... Read More...