The Best Modern Horizons 2 Cards for COmmander

Modern Horizons 2 in Review: New Commander Cards

Modern Horizons 2 is almost upon us, and it wouldn’t be a set release without a Commander review. While the set itself is aimed at putting new cards into the Modern format, it’s safe to say that there’s still a lot here for EDH players of all kinds. Let’s dig into the set and see what gems we can unearth.  ... Read More...
New Modern Decklists with MH2

New Modern Decklists with Modern Horizons 2 – Part 2

You’ve seen my Historic brews — now get ready for me to wander into uncharted territory and brew new Modern decks! Mason Clark offered five new decks with Modern Horizons 2 yesterday, and today, I’m here with four of my own. I haven’t played the format in a while, but this set is sucking me back into Modern quickly! If ... Read More...
New Modern Decklists with MH2

New Modern Decklists with Modern Horizons 2 – Part 1

Modern Horizons 2 has been fully previewed, and it’s time to jump right into the best part of any set release: brewing decks! Today, we’re going to go over five new or significantly upgraded decks for Modern. We’ll cover everything from beatdown to draw go, and even some combo to spice up your life. Domain Zoo Domain Zoo is an ... Read More...
MH2 is a Magic History lesson

Modern Horizons 2 is a Magic History Lesson

Few sets in Magic have ever been as highly anticipated as Modern Horizons 2. The passionate reactions to each day’s spoilers show as much — people have figured out that these Horizons sets are special, that no longshot reprint or kooky keyword portmanteau is off limits.  When you dangle hope in front of players who had long since given up ... Read More...

Evoke – MTG Keywords Explained

Creatures with “enter the battlefield” abilities are great, but what if you don’t have enough mana to pay for them? Thankfully, there’s a mechanic that lets you take advantage of the creature’s ability at a fraction of the mana cost. What is Evoke? Evoke is an alternative cost that appears on creatures which is typically lower than that creature’s mana ... Read More...
The New Modern Staples in Modern Horizons 2

The New Modern Staples in Modern Horizons 2

Modern will never be the same again. Just like its predecessor, Modern Horizons 2 is poised to leave a massive mark on Modern; many of the cards will see some level of play in the format, and even more will become Commander staples from day one. In my eyes, this is one of the most successful sets in the past ... Read More...
Talk about Green in MH2

Modern Horizons 2: Where Is Green Headed in EDH?

Modern Horizons 2 preview season has been a blast, and we’ve seen many funky, fresh, and even irreverent designs. What’s got most people talking, though, is the fact that green seems overpowered. It’s an all-too-regular refrain if you follow releases, but what exactly is at the heart of this debate? Green Gets Good Cards  Though the other colors have had ... Read More...