The Best of White Card Design 2020: Part 2

As 2020 draws to a close, white’s relevancy continues to be a sticking point for Magic players in most formats. Last year, I put together an evaluation of the year’s cards over at Hipsters of the Coast. The conclusion last year? Well, though white did get some better cards, the rising tide was still threatening to sink white’s ship; for ... Read More...

Crew – MTG Keywords Explained

Earlier in this series, we talked a bit about artifacts and their ability to buff your creatures in combat. Artifacts in Magic represent a variety of different objects in the Multiverse, from weapons and armor to trinkets and treasures. Some artifacts even represent cars, airships, and other vehicles that can get your creatures across the red zone. Like equipment, vehicles ... Read More...

Reviewing 2020’s Preconstructed Commander Decks

The Year of Commander is nearing its end. There have been ups and downs, but most importantly, it’s been a key developmental time for Magic’s most popular format. From new legendary creatures in Standard sets to the hugely successful Commander Legends, there are now more ways than ever to build your own Commander deck. But building a Commander deck has ... Read More...

Best of White Card Design 2020, Pt. 1

As 2020 draws to a close, white’s relevancy continues to be a sticking point for Magic players in most formats. Last year, I put together an evaluation of the year’s cards over at Hipsters of the Coast. The conclusion last year? Though white did get some better cards, the rising tide was still threatening to sink white’s ship; for every ... Read More...

Is Mentor Back in Modern?

Monastery Mentor is beloved by many, and while it has succeeded in Legacy, the card hasn’t quite had its day in the sun in Modern. That certainly hasn’t stopped players from trying to build shells that take advantage of the “army in a can” monk, but none of those shells have really had staying power.  I’ve sometimes wondered why Monastery ... Read More...

Three Decks Taking Over Standard

Since the banning of Omnath, we have seen the Standard format blossom. We’ve had a lot of churn in the top decks, fun dynamic gameplay, and a good balance of decks. Typically, around this time in a format, we would be talking about how best to tune one of the three best decks we have been talking about for weeks.  ... Read More...

Powering Up Your Commander Decks

I’ve been writing quite a lot about Commander here of late. One reason why is that discussion tends to prompt more discussion; my initial articles led to a lot of interesting chats online and with friends in my Magic groups who wanted to know more, or share their own take on what I’d written. And after writing a couple of ... Read More...