B&R Breakdown: June 1, 2020

Last week, Wizards of the Coast released a much-anticipated Banned and Restricted announcement that has ramifications for Standard, Historic, and companion cards as we know them. As always, I recommend reading the official announcement yourself to get the long-form reasoning behind the changes. But for convenience: Agent of Treachery and Fires of Invention are banned in StandardAgent of Treachery and ... Read More...

A Letter to Our Community

We have remained silent on Black Lives Matter until now because historically we do not comment on issues, and we don’t want to participate in performative  allyship.  Rather, we’ve tried to participate in fundraising and creating a welcoming environment in our spaces. However,  we now acknowledge that this is an instance where we need to voice our opinion and respond  to ... Read More...

Should You Still Play Companions in Modern?

Wizards of the Coast released a new banned and restricted announcement this week, including updates to the companion mechanic. Effective June 3rd, companion will work as follows: At any time you could cast a sorcery, you may pay three generic mana to put your companion from your sideboard into your hand. This is a special action, not an activated ability; ... Read More...

Enter the Arena: The Official Gladiator Primer

While I can’t pinpoint the exact moment in time my aversion to multiples in Magic began developing, I’m forever grateful that legions of like-minded singleton players empathized with my predicament. It was comforting to know that my preference for “one-ofs” and decks of mammoth proportions happened to be shared among Commander players and competitive singleton formats alike. Yet for me, ... Read More...
The Colors of Magic

Which Color of Magic Should You Play?

Magic has a rare distinction among games, in that for many players it has become a lifelong preoccupation. The incredible depth and variety of the card pool is what supports this long-term interest. But for newcomers, that variety can be intimidating. There’s such a range of formats and play styles to choose from, each of which appeals to different kinds ... Read More...

How to Play a Midrange Deck

Welcome back to Card Kingdom for another “How to Play” archetype breakdown. Today, we’ll be focusing on the most popular macro-archetype in current Standard: Midrange. Be sure to check out Tom Anderson’s guide on aggro decks, and be on the lookout for control and combo primers in the future.  What is Midrange? Magic decks exist on a spectrum, with fast, ... Read More...

Core Set 2021

Each summer, Magic: The Gathering releases a new Core Set to provide an easy entry point for new and returning players. Core Sets are full of reprints of old favorite cards — perhaps even some you might remember if you played years ago. Their draft environments strike a balance between simplicity and complexity, providing a good first experience and plenty ... Read More...