Magic for D&D Players

Magic: The Gathering and Dungeons & Dragons are two of the most popular and well-known tabletop games around. With histories spanning decades, global fan communities, and entire genres of imitators around them, it’s likely that anyone with a geeky bone in their body has tried at least one of them.  D&D and Magic have also both been owned by the ... Read More...

Welcome, NumotTheNummy!

Earlier this week, we welcomed the newest member of our Card Kingdom affiliate network: Kenji “NumotTheNummy” Egashira! Kenji is one of the longest-tenured and most recognizable names in Magic streaming, and his star is rising in the wider world of esports. To say we’re thrilled to welcome him would be an understatement – and, by the looks of it, Kenji’s ... Read More...

Rookie’s Guide to MTG Slang

Like most hobbies, Magic: The Gathering has developed a lexicon all its own. Go into any game store and you’ll hear players talk about “top-decking” the perfect card, casting “cantrips,” and “splashing” in their draft decks. If you’re new to the game, it can be hard to understand what experienced players are even talking about! We’ve all been there — ... Read More...

How We Are Fighting COVID-19

Dear Card Kingdom Customer, We have had customers reach out asking if we are still taking orders. The answer is yes, our operations are still operating to meet all your Magic: The Gathering needs! However, due to the current pandemic, we have changed our procedures, and for transparency sake, we want to let you know what that includes. First, we have shifted our employee schedules to increase ... Read More...

Pioneer Metagame Update

A lot can happen from nothing. Last week’s Banned and Restricted announcement was pretty highly anticipated. Many discussions across social media centered around Pioneer — the format’s overall health and the power levels of the proverbial Boogeymen. People even started talking about how the metagame would change after the presumed bans, projecting deck positions and power shifts. It was an ... Read More...

Card Kingdom’s Mystery Booster Giveaway

Hey, Card Kingdom community! In celebration of unleashing chaos with Mystery Boosters, we’re doing a giveaway for a box of Mystery Booster Retail Edition! Here are the rules and conditions for our social media giveaway. HOW TO ENTER: Retweet this tweet on the Card Kingdom Twitter account. In addition, you must be following the @Card_Kingdom Twitter account. CONTEST ENTRY PERIOD: The Card Kingdom ... Read More...

Ikoria: Lair of Behemoths

Welcome to Ikoria: a monster-world full of giant beasts and feisty humans. Ikoria‘s mechanics have really turned Magic upside-down, and we’re here to give you the rundown on this powerful set. First, check out the official trailer from Wizards of the Coast: Vivien Reid Returns Vivien Reid has appeared in four Magic sets since her debut in Core Set 2019, ... Read More...