CK Plays Holiday Giveaway

With the holidays fast approaching, we wanted to give a little back while having some fun. So, we’re celebrating with a special edition of CK Plays! On Wednesday, December 11th at 2:00 PM PST, Hallie and Jordan will put their cooperative nature aside and battle it out head to head in the pursuit of glory and literally no stakes whatsoever. Well, ... Read More...

The Art of Hesitation

Magic is a game of gradual mastery. It’s an incredibly complex game, but new players continue to pick it up because they can do so one card at a time. Most of us start with simple decks and use them to master the basic structure of the game before moving on.  That basic structure — the essential decisions and actions ... Read More...

When to Attack a Planeswalker

Planeswalkers have played a powerful role in the Standard metagame for years; since the release of War of the Spark, there are more Planeswalkers in Standard than ever before. Their presence forces players to make an important choice: when is it appropriate to attack the Planeswalker, and when should you attack its controller instead? Attacking a Planeswalker reduces its loyalty ... Read More...

The CK-Files: Lumeria

Welcome to another edition of the CK-Files! Today we’re going to go behind the scenes of Lumeria: The Great Divide! As part of our daily duties as designers, we keep a detailed log of our design work. At the end of each day, before we hang up our hard hats and punch out, we all take some time to write ... Read More...

Modern Matchup Guide: Urza vs. Death’s Shadow

The Modern metagame may not move nearly as fast as Standard, but if you look closely, you can see how the top deck evolve. The Urza decks are a great example of this: In the past year, Urza has been a Whir of Invention-based combo/prison deck, a Paradoxical Outcome combo deck, and (currently) a Simic midrange deck that uses Oko ... Read More...

Lumeria: The Disappearance of Cricket Street

Day 1 On Tuesday morning, just before dawn, Cricket Street vanished. Telna stared at the grey, pearlescent wall in front of her and put down her basket of breakfast rolls. She stretched out a hand and touched the barrier. It was real, smooth, and cold. And it shouldn’t be here. She glanced around and, yes, this was the arched entrance ... Read More...

12 Magic Cards that Defined 2019

2019 has been a massive year, in Magic and in general. So much happens with such intensity that it can be tough to put ourselves in the mindset of even a few months ago! So as we turn the final page on our calendars, let’s reflect on 2019 and count down the cards that defined the year in Magic. JANUARY: ... Read More...