Deck of the Week: Izzet Blitz

Last Tuesday, my friend Jess sent me a text asking if I wanted to attend Mox Boarding House’s Rags to Riches tournament with her on Saturday. It was her first time attending a Competitive REL event, and even though I had never played Pauper before, I decided to give it a shot. Knowing next to nothing about the format, I ... Read More...

Let’s Brawl!

Are you ready to BRAWL?!  Well, are you? If you have no idea what I’m talking about, Wizards recently announced a brand-new format called Brawl. You build a 60-card singleton deck from only Standard-legal cards, and then you choose any Legendary Creature OR Planeswalker to be your Commander.  The format is meant to be casual, and I intend to keep ... Read More...

Magic For Her Recap

April is here, and it’s time to put a bow on our Magic for Her fundraiser. We hope our revolutionary new products helped you draw better cards and make better plays – but most of all, we hope we made you laugh. After a month of selling products and receiving donations from our customers, we raised $7,729 for our partner, the Cybersmile ... Read More...

Card Kingdom Starter Cube

Imagine if you could create your own custom set of cards to draft from. You could include all your old favorites from the time you started playing Magic, or the most powerful cards you have at your disposal. You could draft all your favorite archetypes – synergistic decks like Reanimator and Storm, blisteringly fast aggro decks, or midrange decks with ... Read More...

Deck of the Week: Legacy Soldiers

(Editor’s Note: This Friday, we’ll be introducing a brand new exclusive Card Kingdom product here on the CK Blog! With that in mind, we’re bringing you our Deck of the Week a few days early. Enjoy!) Mono-White Soldiers has been on everyone’s radar since the spotlight was shined on it at SCG Worcester. With Grand Prix Seattle (and Mox Boarding ... Read More...

The Women of Magic Lore

One of the best aspects of Magic is its worldbuilding, creating universes and characters that feel both wonderous and relatable. Part of what makes so many of Magic’s most memorable characters familiar isn’t just their power level or abilities, but also who they are as characters. Nowhere is this more clear than with Magic’s portrayal of women over the past ... Read More...

Deck of the Week: Pauper Goblins

Twenty cards were “downshifted” in rarity to Common with the release of Masters 25. A lot of digital ink and has (and will) be spilled discussing them all, but for our purposes today, I really want to hit the Goblins…er, highlights. First, an honorable mention that isn’t a shift but a very important reprint: Ash Barrens. The lack of true ... Read More...