Four new Commander decks hit on March 8th, with Universes Beyond: Fallout joining the UB roster. What will you discover in the Wild Wasteland? Kristen sits down to review the offerings. Fallout is a game I loved playing. Fallout 3, specifically. I put so many hours into that game. The sense of foreboding and discovery was an intoxicating combination, and …
Mutant Menace Upgrade Guide
Mutant Menace, one of the new Universes Beyond: Fallout Commander decks, is a Blue-Black-Green deck that features one of the most popular deck themes, but with a twist. This is a counters deck, but not +1/+1 counters or anything like that; we’re working with the brand-new Rad counters! The Wasteland of Fallout is an irradiated caricature of America, and one …
Hail, Caesar Upgrade Guide
The big design challenge for Universes Beyond: Fallout is how to adapt such a sprawling, storied franchise into just four Commander precons. Wizards seems to have based each deck on one of the Wasteland’s largest and most recognizable factions, and then added other characters and references from the games which share a similar ideology. The Hail, Caesar precon deck is, …
Scrappy Survivors Upgrade Guide
The next Universes Beyond set is Fallout, which releases on March 8th! The bulk of the set consists of four new Commander precons. Each of these decks has an iconic character from the franchise as its Commander. The Naya Scrappy Survivors deck features everyone’s favorite post-apocalyptic pup: Dogmeat, and it focuses on equipment and auras. In this article, I’ll review …
Commander Archetype Inspection: Treasure
Magic has been around for long enough to spin off hundreds of unique mechanics, each with its own unique advantages, dedicated support cards and memorable payoffs. But when you throw them all together in the grand melting pot that is Commander, a few mechanics clearly stand out from the pack. They offer versatile deck building options, consistent performance in different …
10 Underrated Planeswalkers for Commander that Aren’t Superfriends
Planeswalkers can be powerful in Commander, especially in the Superfriends archetype. On their own they tend to fall easier though, so having a big impact is key to making them playable in the average deck. Kristen has 10 Underrated Planeswalkers that she thinks should make the cut in your decks more often – no Atraxa required. The Eternal Wanderer. Liliana, …
5 Underrated Commander Cards From Coldsnap
Coldsnap is one of the strangest sets in the history of Magic. This is because it was printed as the third set in Ice Age Block. That might not sound strange at first, but it was released in 2006 – more than a decade after Ice Age Block had concluded. While it isn’t the focus of this article, I did …
10 Three-Mana Mana Rocks You Should Be Playing, Actually
Three mana Mana Rocks have a bad rap in Commander. We think they’re excellent, so here are 10 of the best three mana rocks that you should be playing. Mana in Commander is important. Usually the one who spends the most of it wins the game. Curving out is important too, but being able to boost your mana and land …
5 Underrated Commander Cards From Legends
Legends is one of Magic’s oldest sets. It was only the game’s third expansion, and it was released way back on June 10th, 1994. It is infamous for having some of the worst cards of all time in it. The most notable of these are Wood Elemental and the vanilla multicolored legendary creatures like Jedit Ojanen. While I think the …
How Important Are Blockers in Commander?
Kristen has some thoughts on how a good blocker is more important than ever in Casual Commander. In short, blockers are good. Play more of them! That’s not why you clicked, though – you’re more interested in my reasoning. So let’s just jump straight in. THE STATE OF CASUAL COMMANDER Casual Commander in 2024 is in a good place, but …