The case for 1v1 Commander

Why You Should be Playing 1v1 Commander

Tom AndersonCommander

For most of its first two decades, Magic was designed and marketed as a competitive discipline — a puzzle to solve with tournaments as its apex experience. However, while it may be hard to imagine now, Commander was once an upstart format which defied that default assumption about how and why people play Magic. Elder Dragon Highlander (and later Commander) …

Budget commander

Even more budget equivalents to Commander staples

Scott CullenCommander

There’s no denying that the ubiquity of pricey Commander staples can make them feel like required game pieces, but it doesn’t have to be that way. Generally speaking, budget has very little impact on power level when building a Commander deck. After all, as I explained in the first installment of this topic, many popular cards are expensive either because …

Cosima EDH art

Jumping through hoops is fun with Cosima Landfall in EDH

Kristen GregoryCommander

Kristen takes us on a voyage with her Cosima Landfall EDH deck. She highlights how it’s fun to put aside straightforward decks to jump through hoops from time to time. Hey folks! Last week I covered five great Commanders to try Battle for Baldur’s Gate’s new Background enchantments with, and one of the options I mentioned was Cosima, God of …

Welcome to Elder Dragon Social Club

Anna VolbrechtCommander, Community

LoadingReadyRun brings you Elder Dragon Social Club: a new Commander format show in partnership with Card Kingdom. We talked with Graham Stark to find out more. In the ten years that LoadingReadyRun has been making Magic: The Gathering content, this well-loved Canadian bunch have explored pretty much every nook and cranny of the game. From Friday Night Paper Fight to …