It’s always exciting to see all the new cards from a set during week one, but things started early this time. Due to recent changes in the legality of cards, last weekend’s Modern 10k at Star City Games Con Indianapolis allowed cards from Phyrexia: All Will Be One, even if it was somewhat hard to get a hold of them. …
Phyrexia: All Will Be One Updated Decks for Modern
The natural progression when evaluating new cards begins with determining whether they have the power to compete in a given format. Last week I outlined the best card for every color from Phyrexia: All Will be One, which means it’s time to find decks that can maximize their strengths in Modern. The cards that seem to have the most promise …
Phyrexia: All Will Be One Modern Highlights
It is that time again (or perhaps it never ended), and that time is preview season. Phyrexia: All Will be One is on the horizon, which means it’s time we identify the highlight cards in the set for Modern. This time around I thought I’d try something different and highlight the best card of each color instead of just the …
Modern Tournament Recap: Jan 20223
The weekend of Jan. 13 brought us the most competitive Modern tournaments than we’ve seen in a long time. SCG Con New Jersey had both $20,000 and $5,000 tournaments while the LMS Open Qualifier took place in Trieste and the NRG Champs closed things out. Naturally, each high level Modern tournament offers worthwhile results to parse through. Modern is in …
New Tech in Modern Decks
One interesting part of non-rotating formats in Magic is that players learn how the wide array of cards start to work together in new and exciting ways over time, which allows for strategies to crop up using cards that have been available for a long time. This doesn’t happen often, but players have recently discovered a handful of new, viable …
Playing Modern at SCG Con New Jersey
SCG Con New Jersey, the first large Modern tournament of the year, is taking place this weekend, and I’ll be in attendance. Naturally that means figuring out what deck I am going to play — a task I’ve been working on for a couple weeks. Those who know me can tell you I have a bad habit of waffling between …
Our favorite Modern decks of 2022
As 2022 comes to a close I wanted to take a look back at the year that was. One of my favorite things to do is find the brightest spots in the year, and for Magic that means going back to my favorite Modern decks from the past year. Everyone, myself included, likes decks for different reasons. Whether it involved …
What’s the Deal with Rakdos Scam in Modern?
Chances are if you’ve played Modern on Magic Online or in a paper tournament of any significant size recently, you’ve likely run into Rakdos Scam. This deck’s path to becoming the Modern boogeyman is an odd one for sure, and today I want to dig deeper to see what about today’s metagame allows it to be the top dog. I …
The Return of Creature Decks to Modern
Modern, as a format, has always been propped up by a “you can do whatever you want” mentality. However, during the last year, Yorion made playing creature decks in Modern incredibly difficult due to cards like Solitude, Fury, Prismatic Ending and Unholy Heat. The good news for creature fans in Modern is that many of these cards are on the …
Modern Tier List: Nov. 2022
Welcome back for the Nov. 2022 update to the Card Kingdom Modern Tier list! This month was a bit slow for Modern tournaments, as both SCG Philadelphia and all of the Regional Championships played Pioneer. However, we still have some solid, online data to look at for November. The Brothers’ War has been out for a couple of weeks, and …