Tarkir: Dragonstorm Mardu Surge Precon Upgrade & Review

Kristen GregoryCommander, Products, Uncategorized

Mardu Surge is the red white and black precon from Tarkir: Dragonstorm. It features warriors, tokens, myriad triggers, and plenty of attacking. Your token army can then help you draw cards or put a steady drain on opposing life totals. Find out how to break the lines with our eleven in, eleven out Budget Upgrade Guide – this time for …

What Happened in Tarkir: Dragonstorm?

Jacob LacknerEvents, Magic Story, Products

Tarkir: Dragonstorm releases on April 11th. Preview season is well underway, and we also got the concluding chapter of the set’s story earlier this week. The story focuses on the efforts of the newly reformed clans of Tarkir to put an end to the formation of destructive dragonstorms on the plane. These are highly destructive storms that spawn dragons that …

Clashing Clans: Analyzing the New Siege Cycle

Tom AndersonProducts

When the clans of Tarkir debuted in 2014, their evocative presentation established enduring identities for each of the three-color “wedges”. Despite the interference of Tarkir’s resurrected dragon flights, the five clans have persisted, and in Tarkir: Dragonstorm they have recovered enough strength to once again make war at epic scale.  But unlike their struggle for survival against the dragons, represented …

Tarkir: Dragonstorm First Look

Card KingdomEvents, Products

Magic: The Gathering has always been a game of grand stories and breathtaking worlds, and few planes have captured the imagination quite like Tarkir. Originally introduced as a plane of warring clans and absent dragons, Tarkir’s timeline was rewritten in Fate Reforged, bringing dragons back to their rightful place as the rulers of the skies. Now, in Tarkir: Dragonstorm, we …

A Brief (Re)Introduction to the Clans of Tarkir

Jacob LacknerUncategorized

We got our first detailed look at Tarkir: Dragonstorm last week. It is our next Standard-release set, and it’s scheduled to drop on April 11th. And the pre-sale begins March 5th here at Card Kingdom! The original Tarkir block was highly influential, especially because it introduced five factions that occupy each of Magic’s three-color wedges. The names of these factions …