Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty Draft By The Numbers

Tom AndersonLimited

Welcome back, my scientifically-minded Draft players! At time of writing, almost two weeks of Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty Limited are on the record. Various surveillance thopters and cyber kami have begun filtering that data into a more complete picture of the format – one that can supplement and validate our first instincts as Magic players. That’s what this Draft By Numbers …

Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty Draft Guide

Tom AndersonLimited

Heed my word, Magic players: the future is now! Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty has launched to much fanfare and applause, with its daring cyberpunk setting drawing many curious players back into the game after the holiday lull.  Just glancing over the spoiler for Neon Dynasty gives you the feel of something different and special, with a remarkably high density of artifacts …

Top 20 Ninja Cards in Magic: The Gathering

Tom AndersonCommunity

There’s no disputing it at this point: Ninjas are the most- and best-remembered part of the original Kamigawa block. Even with close to 20 years of power creep and shifts in Magic design against them, Ninjas are still an iconic and popular creature type, with a huge number of players maintaining Ninja tribal decks to this day.  What makes Ninjas …

New Sagas in Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty

Tom AndersonDesign

With such a powerfully thematic new set on the way, a lot of attention is given over to the reveal of new mechanics. Of course, new tech like reconfigure and modified expand Magic and create the most new opportunities for deck building and gameplay, and that’s why a set is often judged by the mechanics it introduces. But sometimes a …

Combo Crash Course Dark Depths

Combo Crash Course: Dark Depths

Tom AndersonStrategy

Welcome back to Combo Crash Course, our semi-regular exploration of Magic’s greatest combo decks. This week, we’re kicking things up a notch in the power department. While previously, we’ve spent some time with famous combo decks from Standard, Historic and Modern, this will be our first time delving into the explosive combo potential of eternal formats like Legacy, Vintage, and …

Top 20 Reanimation Spells in Magic The Gathering

Top 20 Reanimation Spells in Magic: The Gathering

Tom AndersonCommunity

Reanimator – bringing back huge creatures from the graveyard with relatively cheap spells – is one of the oldest and most recognizable strategies in Magic. The mechanic draws inspiration directly from the fantasy stories which inspired the game’s creators, where wizards reanimate the fallen as shambling undead or reincarnate them to full glorious power. As you’d expect, both black and …

Top 20 Counterspells in Magic The Gathering

Top 20 Counterspells in Magic: The Gathering

Tom AndersonCommunity

Q: How do you upset a Magic player in just three words? A: “Counter target spell.” Yes, counterspells have always been the most polarizing aspect of Magic. For whatever reason, getting your spell snuffed out on the stack is simply more galling than getting hit by removal on the battlefield. Perhaps it’s the power dynamic created by untapped Islands, the …

Combo Heartbeat of Spring

Combo Crash Course: Heartbeat of Spring

Tom AndersonStrategy

Welcome back to Combo Crash Course, our semi-regular exploration of Magic’s greatest combo decks. In the first few installments of this series, we’ve shown off a variety of different approaches to combo, and today we’re adding another one: what I call a “non-deterministic” combo game plan. We say a player has “a deterministic kill” when their deck has passed the …

Most Iconic Cards from Kamigawa

Most Iconic Cards from Kamigawa Block

Tom AndersonCommunity

There’s always something festive and celebratory in the air this time of year – and in the world of Magic, what we’re currently celebrating is Kamigawa. With each new spoiler or info drop, Wizards of the Coast continues to show us what their futuristic, cyberpunk take on the plane will look like, establishing its new identity through some awesome concept …

Kamigawa Neon Dynasty

Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty Predictions

Tom AndersonCommunity

There’s nothing quite like a good “Return To” set to get the imagination fired, is there? It might not be in the official title, but Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty definitely has all the extra hype potential of returning to an established setting. In fact, as I explained a few months ago, this is the #1 plane I’ve been most personally excited …