As the name implies, Foundations aims to redefine and reaffirm the “default” gameplay and ideas of Magic. This modern take on a Core Set definitely seems like a Constructed-first product – understandable, given Standard players will be living in its shadow until 2029! But that also implies that Foundations sealed product will have a long run in stores, and that …
Foundations “Forever Decks” Will Make Standard Better
Foundations is bringing Core Sets back to Magic (again), and so far it seems to have been a really good idea. I’ve seen many players celebrate that there’s some hard-to-define “classic” feeling to how the set plays, even extending to the parts of the set that aren’t reprints. Part of that might be the power of branding, but Core Sets …
Cards I’m Glad to See in Foundations Standard
If we’re only to judge by the historical facts, Magic isn’t really sure if it likes having core sets. Nevertheless, it’s about to try and have one again for the first time in several years. Foundations is different in some ways from the classic core sets. It’s got more new cards than reprints, and looks to be a lot more …
Are Planeswalkers Doomed?
For almost 20 years now, Planeswalkers have been central to Magic’s identity as a game. The Gatewatch (along with other notables like Sarkhan, Ral, Vraska and Sorin) established a recurring central cast for the game’s storyline. They created marketable, consistent mascots for their respective color combinations and home planes. By these business-centric measures, Planeswalker cards have been an unmitigated success. …
The Surprise Resurrection of Martyr Control in Modern
I touched on this last week, but isn’t it crazy to think back to a time when white decks could legitimately complain about not getting good cards? While we were in the middle of that era it felt truly interminable, but now it already feels like the distant past. Yet even back in that before-time, there were still some fringe …
Caretaker’s Talent: Care-Taking Control of the Meta
Caretaker’s Talent has been taking hold in multiple formats, becoming a cornerstone of multiple decks that Tom dives deep into here! The cycle of rare Talents have been frontrunners for Bloomburrow’s best constructed cards right out of the blocks. In the first week after the set released, I wrote about a string of upstart Standard decks that were already emerging …
The Best Self-Mill Cards in Magic
Graveyard decks have always been a huge part of Magic, ever since the first Animate Dead was used to cheat out the first Lord of the Pit or Shivan Dragon. But if you broaden your definition beyond simple reanimation, almost every deck has some way to get value out of the yard – and if yours doesn’t, you’re probably not …
The Duskmourn: House of Horror Draft Guide
Duskmourn: House of Horror represents a departure from previous Magic design in many ways, setting new expectations for lore, aesthetics, mechanics, and color pie divisions. So of course, the Limited environment you’ll find within the shifting walls of this insidious House is just as strange and daunting as everything else about it! It would be all too easy to stumble …
The Best Way to Enjoy Archenemy Commander
The Commander precons for Duskmourn: House of Horror were always going to be an exciting prospect just for the powerful new cards and scary movie flavor. But Wizards had an extra–sneaky jump scare in store for us with these decks: a revival of the 1v3 Archenemy format! Archenemy is one of the more exciting ideas Wizards has put together for …
Death Toll Duskmourn Commander Precon Upgrade Guide
We’re counting down to the release of Duskmourn, an expansion that seems to pack as many thrills and unexpected turns as the horror movies which inspired it. The set’s mechanics, its color pie, its arch-villain, even the modern-day aesthetic all feel new and uncertain, and the spoiler season has hit us with more than a few jump scares… Now, the …