Aetherdrift Living Energy Precon Upgrade Guide

Aetherdrift Living Energy Precon Upgrade

Tom AndersonCommander

The Aetherdrift Commander precons offer us a simple choice: Living Energy, or nonliving legions of zombies. This week we’re going with the first option, and running our race with the best pit crew of artificers and aethercrafters Kaladesh has to offer! If you haven’t been paying close attention to the lore here, Aetherdrift is sneakily a “Return” set. The interplanar …

Which is the Best Energy Precon?

Which is the Best Energy Precon?

Jacob LacknerCommander

Energy made its debut in Kaladesh back in 2016, and for a long while we didn’t see very much of the mechanic outside of that Block. However, that’s changed a lot over the last year, when there has been a huge surge of energy cards, especially in Commander. In that time, there have been three energy-focused Commander precons. The first …

Top 10 Vehicles for Vehicle Commander Decks

Top 10 Vehicles for Vehicle Commander Decks

Kristen GregoryCommander

Aetherdrift releases February 14, and if you’ve got love in your heart for all things zoom-zoom in Commander, then you’ve got a hankering to build with vehicles again. Not all vehicle cards are created equally, so let’s look at the top 10 vehicles for vehicle decks to see which ones are worth a look.  TOP 10 VEHICLES FOR COMMANDER 10. …

Aetherdrift Commander Set Review

Aetherdrift Commander Set Review

Kristen GregoryCommander

Aetherdrift prerelease is February 7-13, with release on February 14. It’s a large set with many good cards. Let’s review it for Commander. You can find other recent Commander set reviews here: Our Commander Set Review focuses only on the new cards, and not the reprints. It’s also not going to be covering the forgettable cards that are only really …

The 10 Best Cards in the Aetherdrift Commander Precons

The 10 Best Cards in Aetherdrift Commander Precons

Kristen GregoryCommander

Aetherdrift Commander precons have some eye-catching new Commander cards in, even if you’re not all in on energy or reanimator. Let’s look at 10 of the Best Cards from the Aetherdrift precons, Eternal Might and Living Energy. Eternal Might and Living Energy release on February 14th, but if you’d rather pick up some singles, then here’s our recommendations for the …

What Happens in Aetherdrift

What Happens in Aetherdrift?

Jacob LacknerCommunity

Aetherdrift releases on February 14th. Its story follows the events of the Ghirapur Grand Prix, an incredibly dangerous multi-planar race. This race was made possible by the opening of the Omenpaths following the events of the Phyrexian invasion. These portals allow anyone – and not just planeswalkers – to travel between planes. Many characters old and new are competing in …

Verge Lands Show You Don't Need Dual Lands in Commander

Verge Lands Show You Don’t Need Duals in Commander

Kristen GregoryCommander

Aetherdrift finishes the Verge land cycle started in Duskmourn. These lands are a brewer’s dream in Commander, and contribute to a smoother and more accessible manabase for everyone. Kristen argues you don’t need Duals anymore.  Manabases are important. Hugely important. Just recently, I talked about the kinds of payoffs and interactions that Fetchlands gatekeep. I also had some thoughts on …

Sneaky Standard Synergies

Sneaky Standard Synergies to Accelerate Aetherdrift’s Vehicles

Tom AndersonStandard

There are very few people in the world more revved up than I am at the thought of vehicle-themed Aetherdrift decks. I just love how vehicles create natural counterplay to sweepers and other sorcery-speed interaction, or give decks on the defensive insurance against their blockers being removed before combat. So I’m not looking to just play an odd vehicle or …

5 Underrated Vehicles in Commander

5 Underrated Vehicles for Commander

Jacob LacknerCommander

The release of Aetherdrift is right around the corner, arriving on February 1st (you can preorder now!). Well, I should probably say it’s “just down the road,” because Aetherdrift’s setting is a multiplanar race. That means we should expect to see a whole lot of vehicles. In fact, as I’m writing this we’ve already seen a few. In Magic’s more …