The 15 Best New Cards from the Tarkir Dragonstorm Commander Precons

Kristen GregoryCommander, Products, Strategy

Tarkir: Dragonstorm has five Commander decks: Abzan Armor, Jeskai Striker, Sultai Arisen, Mardu Surge, and Temur Roar. Within these five decks are a total of 50 new Commander-legal cards. 50 is a lot, so I’m going to trim down the fat and showcase the best offerings from this expansion. Here are the 15 best new cards from the Tarkir: Dragonstorm …

Tarkir: Dragonstorm Jeskai Striker Precon Upgrade & Review

Tom AndersonCommander, Products, Strategy

With so many Commander precons releasing nowadays, it feels like a strong theme and identity is required to make a new deck stand out from the pack. Luckily for the designers putting together the Tarkir: Dragonstorm precons, the plane of Tarkir is home to Magic’s best-developed lore factions this side of the Ravnica guilds. I’m sure they didn’t have to …

Tarkir: Dragonstorm Sultai Arisen Precon Upgrade & Review

Jacob LacknerCommander, Products, Strategy

Tarkir: Dragonstorm releases on April 11th, and with it we are receiving 5 Commander precons – one for each of the plane’s three-color clans. In this article I’ll be discussing the Sultai Arisen deck. Unsurprisingly, this deck is all about the graveyard. You want to load it up, and turn it into an incredible resource that generates all kinds of …

Tarkir: Dragonstorm Mardu Surge Precon Upgrade & Review

Kristen GregoryCommander, Products, Uncategorized

Mardu Surge is the red white and black precon from Tarkir: Dragonstorm. It features warriors, tokens, myriad triggers, and plenty of attacking. Your token army can then help you draw cards or put a steady drain on opposing life totals. Find out how to break the lines with our eleven in, eleven out Budget Upgrade Guide – this time for …

Commander Spellbook Combo Breakdown Featuring: Sarkhan, Dragon Ascedant

Card KingdomCommander, Strategy

How does one acquire the riches of Tarkir? How does one take Sarkhan, Dragon Ascendant even further beyond? By blinking an old favorite, Deadeye Navigator, and doubling up those treasures with the help of Xorn! This Combo Breakdown is brought to you by Commander Spellbook, the search engine with over 40,000 EDH combos, including this Sarkhan, Dragon Ascendant combo to finally amass a dragon’s hoard for yourself. The Combo Begin …

Playing Graded Cards in Commander: Can You Do It?

Haelee WoodCommander, Graded, Products

Graded cards are a big deal in the Magic: The Gathering world. They’re authenticated, graded for condition, and sealed in protective slabs by companies like PSA, BGS, and CGC. For many collectors, these slabs are a way to preserve their most valuable or sentimental cards. But here’s the question: Can you actually play graded cards in Commander, or are they …

You Don’t Want Primeval Titan Unbanned in Commander

Kristen GregoryCommander, Community

When it comes to community discussion, Primeval Titan – or “Prime Time” – has been at the forefront of unban discussions for years. Whether in response to increasingly powerful value cards being printed, the speed of Commander games, or the new Game Changers list, Primeval Titan never leaves the debate. But is it a safe card to unban? Commander Format …