Sometimes, just seeing a card gives you an idea for a deck. Maybe it’s not a good idea. Maybe you know there’s better, more robust, well-rounded ways to build the kind of deck on your mind. But that’s not the deck in your head. No. Maybe you, like me, saw Meria, Scholar of Antiquity, and thought, “I can do something …
Legends’ Legacy Precon Upgrade Guide
Dominaria United is here, and it’s shaping up to be an epic set featuring countless legends, both new and returning. The main themes are legendary creatures and domain, and the preconstructed Commander decks releasing alongside the main set reflect these concepts. Today, I’ll be taking a look at the Legends’ Legacy precon — a deck that wants to leverage the …
Compare and contrast: MTG Legends Retold
Dominaria United preview season is officially over, and as expected when returning to the original home plane of Magic, Wizards of the Coast served us a full portion of nostalgia. While the new storyline with Phyrexia is quite reminiscent of (and full of callbacks to) Invasion, there’s an even deeper layer of references to MTG history with the Legends Retold …
Playing with Planeswalker Commanders
Commander is all about identity. Most decks are focused on the commanders and the influence they have on the deck: the colors you can play are decided by them, and the themes and style of play are intrinsically linked to their abilities. Some of the most unique deck identities come from a particular type of commander: planeswalkers. Some planeswalkers are …
Cursed Mirror: Quadrant Theory in Commander
Kristen explains why Cursed Mirror is one of her favorite cards by considering how it fares under Quadrant Theory Quadrant Theory has been a great way to evaluate Magic cards since it originated with Brian Wong, a former co-host of the Limited Resources podcast. It looks at how good any given card is based on evaluation in four key scenarios: …
Seven Decks Every Commander Player Should Own
Commander is, perhaps, the largest sandbox environment in gaming. There are countless commanders, cards and archetypes available — to the point where it’s impossible to build every combination. Many Commander players can struggle with this extreme level of choice, and decision paralysis is something I personally experience often when deciding on decks to build. However, there is a sort of …
Building a More Interesting Deck in Commander, Part 2
Everyone wants to feel unique when playing Commander. Building a Commander deck that is unlike any other lets you stand by your creation with pride. However, this can be quite difficult given the sheer volume of players and decks out there. To give some perspective, EDHREC alone has data on over a million decks — so finding a unique take …
Commander Cards to Pick Up for 2022 Rotation
It’s that time again — rotation 2022 — which means it’s time to say goodbye to four Standard sets. Zendikar Rising, Kaldheim, Strixhaven: School of Mages, and Adventures in the Forgotten Realms will rotate out come September. This year, rotation is on Friday, Sept. 9. After that date, the above sets will no longer be Standard legal. With the loss …
Building a More Interesting Deck in Commander
Deck Building can be tricky in Commander. There’s no one way to construct a list, but it can be all too easy to end up with a brew that’s full of the most efficient and popular cards for the format. While there is absolutely nothing wrong with this approach, the result can sometimes feel like the deck lacks its own, …
How Much Does Going Last in EDH Suck?
Going last in EDH can feel pretty miserable – especially if more than one of your opponents get a speedy start. But just how bad is it to go last? Is it blown out of proportion? Kristen entertains some of the arguments. Going last in Commander: it’s something we all pray to never happen, and when it happens consecutively, it …