A few weeks ago I wrote about what I thought was the Modern best card from each color in Phyrexia: All Will Be One. I pegged Tyvar, Jubilant Brawler as the multicolor card, and while Tyvar has seen play so far, it appears I missed the mark. Atraxa, Grand Unifier is the card proving to be relevant — not only …
Faerie Mastermind and the Pantheon of Invitational Cards
With the recent sneak peek at March of the Machine, one particular card stood out a bit to me. All right, a lot of cards stood out for a lot of reasons, but Faerie Mastermind caught my eye because it’s an Invitational card. Invitational cards have been a part of the game since near the dawn of Organized Play, and …
The Top 10 Toxic Creatures in Magic: The Gathering
Toxic is a new keyword introduced to Magic in Phyrexia: All Will Be One that gives creatures the ability to dole out Poison counters to your opponents. While it is a lighter form of Infect, divorced from the attacker’s power, an opponent still only needs 10 Poison counters to lose the game. But as with any mechanic, some cards that …
The 10 Cards You Should Be Playing in Modern
Currently, Modern is about the most powerful it has ever been. The average card quality in decks is significantly higher than it has been in the past. Along with that, the best cards in the format are even more noticeable. Naturally the best decks almost always play at least a couple of the best cards in the format, unless they’re …
Phyrexia: All Will Be One Modern Deck Results
It’s always exciting to see all the new cards from a set during week one, but things started early this time. Due to recent changes in the legality of cards, last weekend’s Modern 10k at Star City Games Con Indianapolis allowed cards from Phyrexia: All Will Be One, even if it was somewhat hard to get a hold of them. …
Venerated Rotpriest: A History of Bonkers One-Drops
There are a lot of powerful cards in Phyrexia: All Will Be One, but we’re going to focus on this guy — Venerated Rotpriest: This little druid has been making waves as some figured out it may be the linchpin for making several varieties of Toxic decks across multiple formats work. I fully plan on experimenting around several Proliferate builds …
The Danger of Phyrexian Mana
Phyrexia: All Will Be One has shown us that New Phyrexia’s armies are filled with endless ranks of destructive, living weapons — but its most dangerous power remains its most simple: Phyrexian mana costs. Introduced in 2011’s New Phyrexia, at the culmination of the Phyrexian invasion of Mirrodin, Phyrexian mana allowed players to pay for spells with chunks of life …
Phyrexia: All Will Be One Updated Decks for Modern
The natural progression when evaluating new cards begins with determining whether they have the power to compete in a given format. Last week I outlined the best card for every color from Phyrexia: All Will be One, which means it’s time to find decks that can maximize their strengths in Modern. The cards that seem to have the most promise …
Phyrexia: All Will Be One Modern Highlights
It is that time again (or perhaps it never ended), and that time is preview season. Phyrexia: All Will be One is on the horizon, which means it’s time we identify the highlight cards in the set for Modern. This time around I thought I’d try something different and highlight the best card of each color instead of just the …
Modern Tournament Recap: Jan 20223
The weekend of Jan. 13 brought us the most competitive Modern tournaments than we’ve seen in a long time. SCG Con New Jersey had both $20,000 and $5,000 tournaments while the LMS Open Qualifier took place in Trieste and the NRG Champs closed things out. Naturally, each high level Modern tournament offers worthwhile results to parse through. Modern is in …