Top 10 Iconic Soldiers in Magic

Kristen GregoryCanadian Highlander, Commander, Cube, Legacy, Modern, Pauper, Pioneer, Standard

Soldiers are a big part of the fabric of creature Magic. Just as Wizards are the avatar of spellcasters, Soldiers are the representation of the pawns and armies we send into battle against one another. Whether you’re jamming out skirmishes in 1v1 Magic or playing multiplayer Commander with all-out-brawls, these soldiers have been a part of the legacy of the …

Commander Masters Hot Pauper Downshifts

Commander Masters Hot Pauper Downshifts

Kristen GregoryPauper

Commander Masters has reprinted a bunch of popular Commander cards, but the set also includes a whole host of Pauper cards. What’s more, a massive 41 of those cards are brand new to Pauper format thanks to downshifts from uncommon, and in some cases rare.  The updated legality is available on MTGO 8/3 following maintenance, and the cards are legal …

Double Masters 2022 Pauper Downshifts

Scott CullenPauper

Double Masters 2022 is shaping up to be an earth-shaking set for Pauper, and Scott takes a look at some of the most exciting rarity changes! Double Masters 2022 is here, and with it come a slew of much-needed reprints for all formats. Many players are over the moon to see Imperial Seal’s first real reprint, Force of Negation’s reprint …

Common Sense: New Pauper Cards from Kaldheim

Scott CullenPauper

With the new year comes a new preview season, and this one is a breath of fresh (or frosty) air! From Jimmy Wong channeling his inner metalhead to the return of the snow mechanic, the past week has been full of surprises in Magic. Kaldheim seems to have also flipped the script on what cards are previewed and when: there …

An Intro to Pauper

Card KingdomPauper

Pauper is one of Magic: The Gathering‘s longest-standing and most accessible competitive formats. As its name suggests, Pauper is a format played with only cards that have been printed at the common rarity, which makes decks incredibly affordable. But make no mistake: Pauper gameplay is incredibly challenging and rewarding, which makes it one of the best entry points to competitive …

Deck of the Week: Izzet Blitz

Lauren MulliganPauper

Last Tuesday, my friend Jess sent me a text asking if I wanted to attend Mox Boarding House’s Rags to Riches tournament with her on Saturday. It was her first time attending a Competitive REL event, and even though I had never played Pauper before, I decided to give it a shot. Knowing next to nothing about the format, I …

Deck of the Week: Pauper Goblins

Ahren GauthierPauper

Twenty cards were “downshifted” in rarity to Common with the release of Masters 25. A lot of digital ink and has (and will) be spilled discussing them all, but for our purposes today, I really want to hit the Goblins…er, highlights. First, an honorable mention that isn’t a shift but a very important reprint: Ash Barrens. The lack of true …

Deck of the Week: Pauper Elves

Hallie SantoPauper

Thanks to all who tuned in to coverage of our two Legacy 1K tournaments last weekend! We’ll still have plenty of Legacy content coming up as GP Seattle approaches, but for now, we’re going to pivot slightly toward Pauper, in anticipation of our upcoming Rags to Riches tournament this weekend. Incidentally, today’s Deck of the Week covers an archetype that’s …