Preparing for MTG tournaments

A Winner’s MTG Mentality: Preparing for Tournaments

Michael RappModern, Pioneer, Standard, Strategy

As the Regional Championship Qualifier season gets into full swing, many people will be playing in more competitive MTG tournaments than they have in a long time. As players return to paper Magic, it is important that they come back with the right mentality. Like anything else in life that involves competition, if you want to win, you’ll need to …

Expressive Iteration’s domination of Magic formats

Mason ClarkLegacy, Modern, Pioneer, Standard

Expressive Iteration is in every top deck in every format it’s legal in. If you go and check the data, Standard, Modern and Legacy are all run by the best card draw spell printed since Treasure Cruise. Pioneer, a format where Treasure Cruise is legal, recently banned Expressive Iteration. So, how is this little uncommon that didn’t even get noticed …

MTGA decks

Off the beaten path: 10 decks to mix up MTGA

David GarciaAlchemy, Historic, Standard, Strategy

Sometimes playing Magic: The Gathering can feel like facing the same decks repeatedly when formats grow stale. This, however, is an inevitable part of the game. There will always be some best deck that performs better than the competition. Pros and other players familiar with each format call these the “tier 1 decks.” These decks then inevitably become more popular …

State of Standard

Chris CornejoStandard

Standard! That’s right, an article about the state of Standard! Back in the days of the old Pro Tour, Standard was the constructed format of three out of every four of them. A powerhouse format, driving much of the conversation in constructed Magic, and making up the majority of high-level competitive play, nearly every Friday Night Magic had an option for Standard …

Fable of the Mirror-Breaker: The Saga of Kikki-Jikki

Chris CornejoDesign, Legacy, Magic Story, Modern, Pioneer, Standard

Sagas, in Magic and in life, are meant to tell a story. While sagas are among the oldest forms of formalized storytelling that exist in human history, in Magic, they’re pretty new. First appearing in Dominaria in 2018, they’ve appeared every year since. They almost missed 2019, but Urza’s Saga in Modern Horizons kept the streak going. They have now …

5 Standout Decks from the Pro Tour

Mason ClarkStandard

We are on the other side of the Pro Tour and wow the format ended up in a very exciting spot. Some cards–like Ob Nixilis–went from all the town could talk about to actually unplayable with almost no copies played at the pro tour. Today we are going over five of the most exciting decks from the Pro Tour and …

Standard Metagame Update

Mason ClarkStandard

With Streets of New Capenna officially on the Standard scene, Mason takes a look at some of the top decks in the format! It’s been a while since we have covered Standard here in these articles. The last time we really checked in, Divide by Zero had just been banned. Now we are at the start of the long Streets …

4 Decks for New Capenna

Mason ClarkModern, Pioneer, Standard

Here we are: the release of New Capenna. A set full of unique tools. Today, we are going to cover a deck in each of the main paper format along with a bonus Standard deck. Lets not waste any time and jump into the deck lists! UW Heroic Standard this late into its life often needs one of two things …

The Demon Crime Bosses in Standard

Tom AndersonStandard

We’re about to walk down the Streets of New Capenna, and Tom takes a look at what impact the Demon Crime Bosses will have on Standard! At time of writing, WotC is slowly peeling back the veils of subterfuge surrounding Streets of New Capenna and its powerful crime bosses. Not only do we now have the legendary creature cards for …