Skullbombs and the Evolution of Magic Design

Skullbombs and the Evolution of Magic Design

Chris CornejoDesign, Limited, Standard

In Phyrexia: All Will Be One, we have a cycle of one-mana artifacts with activated abilities that can draw you a card called Skullbombs. This builds on a similar cycle from Scars of Mirrodin called Spellbombs, which were themselves a sequel to the original Spellbombs from Mirrodin block. It’s not often we see cycles full reiterated this many times, but …

Flavor Check, Phyrexia All Will Be One

Flavor Check: Phyrexia: All Will Be One

Jason KrellCommander, Design, Standard

As Magic players, most of us primarily care about how the game actually plays. However, so much more goes into a set than the cards themselves — from worldbuilding, to characters and the places they intersect. Often, these qualities outside of gameplay are called flavor, and they help sets taste different even if they are similar in some ways to …

How Will Magic Change in 2023?

Tom AndersonDesign, Magic Story, Products, Standard

There’s a lot on the horizon for Magic in 2023, and Tom is here to take a look at what all the different moving parts may mean! It’s a new year for Magic just as it is for you and me – and 2023 in particular stands as a tense cliffhanger moment in the game’s proud history. The narrative stands …

Phyrexia All Will Be One Predictions

Phyrexia: All Will Be One Predictions

Chris CornejoCommander, Standard

Phyrexia: All Will Be One is looming on the horizon, and before we get too far along into the story coming out and preview season starting in earnest, I need to make some predictions! We have our two mainstay categories: mechanical predictions and storyline predictions, as usual. But let’s kick off with something concrete that’s a little unique to this …

most expensive Magic Cards of 2022

The Most Expensive Magic Cards of 2022

Jason KrellCommander, Products, Standard

This end of each year is a time for reflection, and we’ve already been doing quite a bit of that lately. However, since Magic is not the cheapest hobby out there, it’s equally important to reflect on the cost of cards in 2022. The good news is there are a lot of powerful, playable cards are affordable prices. With all …

Best Selling Magic Products of 2022

Best Selling Magic Products of 2022

Jason KrellCommander, Products, Standard

This year has been a banger for Magic, with Wizards of the Coast giving players more new sets and supplementary products than ever before. In the spirit of 2022, the year with the most Magic, we’re going to look at the best selling cards and products sold here at Card Kingdom in the past 12 months. Best Selling cards in …

Magic Resolutions for 2023

Magic Resolutions for 2023

Chris CornejoCommander, Limited, Modern, Pioneer, Standard, Strategy, Uncategorized

As the old year comes to a close, this is traditionally a time to look forward and figure out some resolutions for the new year. There are plenty of life resolutions to go around, but we’re here to talk about Magic. So here’s some Magic resolutions that all can feel free to apply as needed to themselves in 2023.  I …