Modern Goblins Deck Guide

As its name implies, it’s not hard to see that Conspicuous Snoop is already a player in Modern. Snoop was one of my Top 5 Modern picks from M21, and it wasted no time making an impact on the format. A mere two days after M21 became available on Magic Online, a B/R Goblins combo deck like the one I ... Read More...

Core 2021 Draft Guide

Drafting a core set isn’t quite the same as drafting any other Magic set. The mechanics are simpler, the themes are less prominent, and there generally aren’t as many unique build-around cards. But that doesn’t make drafting a core set any less challenging, rewarding, or fun. Core set drafts give players an opportunity to work on their fundamentals and practice ... Read More...

5 New Commanders from Core 2021

This upcoming Friday, July 3rd, marks the release of Core 2021 (which you can still preorder now!). And the twentieth core set packs a suite of legendary creatures that tick all my boxes when I’m perusing the previews for my next commander: Cheap to cast Thematic  (Mostly) mono-colored The Wheeler philosophy of Commander is centered on taking advantage of the ... Read More...

Cycling – MTG Keywords Explained

Ikoria: Lair of Behemoths introduced three new mechanics – companion, mutate, and ability counters – that have fundamentally changed Magic: The Gathering gameplay. But it also included a returning mechanic that is making waves in Standard and beyond. Today, we’re going to learn how to cycle. What is Cycling? Do you ever draw a card that just isn’t right for ... Read More...

4 Standard Brews for Core 2021

Hello readers — and please give a warm welcome to our new friend, Core Set 2021! They’re gonna need that warmth, because it is hard to be a new Standard set right now. Simply put, the new core set is entering one of the most powerful Standard environments ever. It’s not just the per-card power level of a format which ... Read More...

Top 5 Core Set 2021 Cards for Pioneer

Pioneer has changed drastically since the companion rules change earlier this month. Dimir Inverter is still one of the top dogs, but Lotus Breach, Mono-Red, Mono-White, and Mono-Black are all going strong. In fact, the format looks more or less the way it did before Ikoria was released — and that isn’t necessarily a bad thing.  But now that Core ... Read More...

Sultai Reclamation Deck Guide

Wilderness Reclamation in Modern? It isn’t as strange as it sounds!  After the reign Wilderness Reclamation had in Standard, Modern decks are starting to utilize it as a way to go even bigger than opposing midrange decks. Unlike its Standard counterpart, Sultai Reclamation isn’t committed to maxing out on Wilderness Reclamation to enable a large combo turn; instead, this midrange ... Read More...