Theros Beyond Death Giveaways
Hey, Card Kingdom community! In celebration of the imminent launch of Theros Beyond Death, we’re doing some giveaways over the next couple weeks! Here are the rules and conditions for our social media giveaways. HOW TO ENTER: Each contest will have its own entry method that is described in the initial giveaway announcement (Twitter post, Facebook post, Instagram post, etc.). ... Read More...
Theros Beyond Death Brawl Decks
The gods of Theros are constantly in conflict. They fight for power and respect from their divine peers, love and worship from the people of Theros, and control over increased spheres of influence. What better way to represent this conflict than with a set of Brawl decks designed to be played against each other? Here is a deck for each ... Read More...
Theros Beyond Death: Blue Cards
Aaah, can you smell the salt in the air today? No, it’s not just the aftermath of the latest B&R announcement — it’s time to look at blue spoilers for Theros Beyond Death! We’re continuing our countdown to the set’s release by covering each color in turn; check out the white and red spoiler discussions if you need to get ... Read More...
Top 5 Theros Beyond Death Cards in Pioneer
Theros Beyond Death is just around the corner, and all the new cards have been revealed. I’m excited to play with these cards in every format, but I’m most interested in the set’s impact on Pioneer. Pioneer is currently as healthy as it’s ever been: every color is represented well, and there are multiple archetypes within almost every color combination. ... Read More...
Sultai Titan Deck Guide
Urza was the talk of the town during the StarCityGames Open in Columbus this past weekend — and, given the deck’s recent performance, that’s to be expected. But if you were watching closely, the biggest new development of the tournament was Sultai Titan. As Modern has evolved, the Amulet Titan decks have evolved with it. Before we look at Sulati ... Read More...
Theros Beyond Death: White Cards
Welcome back, Theros fans! In the days since I wrote my spoiler analysis article for red, we’ve already seen exciting new gods, titans, heroes and Planeswalkers. Today, I’ll push on and talk through the most exciting Theros Beyond Death spoilers for white: a color which is attracting more than its usual share of attention after falling off the radar with ... Read More...
Theros Beyond Death: Red Cards
Welcome to 2020, Magicians and Planeswalkers! Wizards kicked off a new decade of Magic with a bang, flooding the internet with spoilers for the next Standard set over the past few days. Spoiler season is always an exciting time for the community, offering players the thrill of “discovering” the game again and promising those tired of current metagames some relief. ... Read More...