How 'Hipster' are your Commander Decks?

How ‘Hipster’ are your Commander Decks?

Chris CornejoCommander

Recently, I got tagged in a post on Twitter. Magic Data Science developed a tool over at EDHRec that allows players to see the “Hipster Quotient” of their Commander decks. Hipster Quotient is defined as “the sum of the proportion of all recorded EDH decks in which its constituent cards (excluding basic lands) appear.” In other words, how original is your …

Best Equipment for Commander

The Best Equipment for Commander

Kristen GregoryCommander

Playing and sticking equipment is always super satisfying, but what are the best equipment in Commander? How do you build the ultimate arbiter of justice? Let’s take a look at the answers today. THE BEST EQUIPMENTS ARE FLEXIBLE Before we get onto the list proper, it’s only fair to point out the metric I am judging the best equipment on: …

Why you shouldn't upgrade your Commander Deck

Why You Shouldn’t Upgrade Your Commander Deck

Kristen GregoryCommander, Strategy

It’s normal to want to upgrade your Commander decks over time. But is it really necessary? Kristen evaluates the process and offers an alternative. There are three* main aspects to engaging with Commander as a format: Deckbuilding, Gameplay and Upgrading your deck. We cover Deckbuilding and Gameplay quite often here at Card Kingdom, as do many creative Commander players across …

How to build treasure decks in Commander

How to Build Treasure Decks in Commander

Scott CullenCommander

It’s no secret treasures have been shaping the Commander landscape at all power levels for the past couple of years. In fact, it’s often unusual for a game of Commander to not feature at least a couple of treasure tokens. The count and quality of these cards have even become so great that treasures are the third most popular theme …

Seven Commander decks to own

Seven Decks Every Commander Player Should Own

Scott CullenCommander, Strategy

Commander is, perhaps, the largest sandbox environment in gaming. There are countless commanders, cards and archetypes available — to the point where it’s impossible to build every combination. Many Commander players can struggle with this extreme level of choice, and decision paralysis is something I personally experience often when deciding on decks to build. However, there is a sort of …