Was Foundations the Best Set of the Year?

Foundations Was the Best Set of the Year… and it Wasn’t Close

Kristen GregoryCommander, Design

As 2024 comes to a close, Kristen takes stock of the year’s sets. Was Foundations the best Magic set of the year? It was a big year for Magic in 2024, and we experienced a slew of products, whether Standard-legal, or legal for Modern or Commander.  In total, we saw five sets enter Standard: There were also five more “major” …

The Foundations Draft Guide

The Foundations Draft Guide

Tom AndersonLimited

As the name implies, Foundations aims to redefine and reaffirm the “default” gameplay and ideas of Magic.  This modern take on a Core Set definitely seems like a Constructed-first product – understandable, given Standard players will be living in its shadow until 2029! But that also implies that Foundations sealed product will have a long run in stores, and that …

Is Foundations Actually a Good Set For New Players?

Is Foundations A Good Set For Beginners?

Jacob LacknerDesign

A few weeks ago I wrote about Foundations and the history of core sets more broadly. There, I discussed the fact that they are intended to be beginner products that help introduce new players to the Standard format, especially. This is often achieved by more simplified designs that help introduce players to the game’s basic mechanics and themes. For the …