This Day in MTG History: Dragonstorm World Championship

This Day in Magic History: Dragonstorm World Championship (Nov 29-Dec 1, 2006)

Jacob LacknerStandard

Welcome to another edition of “This Day in Magic History!” Today, we’re going to look at Magic’s 2006 World Championship, which ran from Nov. 29 to Dec. 2 that year. In particular, we’re going to take a look at one of the wackiest tier one Magic decks of all time: Dragonstorm. Dragonstorm Before the 2006 World Championships In 2006, Dragonstorm …

The best mechs in Magic

The Best Mechs in Magic

Jason KrellStandard

The Brothers’ War approaches, and with it comes something that may seem a little out of place in Magic: giant battle mechs. But of course, The Brothers’ War takes place far in the past of the game’s storyline. So that means mechs have been here the whole time?  Well, kind of. Artifacts and various machines of war have been in …

State of Standard: Post Meathook Ban

State of Standard: Post Meathook Ban

Mason ClarkStandard

Wizards of the Coast banned The Meathook Massacre in Standard last week in the company’s first of such actions this year. This has created an interesting wrinkle in the format, since you were either playing Meathook before or trying to invalidate it. While not format breaking, the card acted as a barrier that prevented Standard from having more deck diversity. …