In Defense of Sen Triplets in Commander

In Defense of Sen Triplets in Commander

Jason KrellCommander

In Magic: The Gathering, there are always cards players love to hate — especially in Commander. There is endless “discourse” about the subject anywhere players congregate online. However, Magic is an ever-changing game riddled with subjectivity, and some cards catch a reputation many think they don’t deserve. With that in mind, today we’re going to defend Sen Triplets in Commander. …

Flavor Check, Phyrexia All Will Be One

Flavor Check: Phyrexia: All Will Be One

Jason KrellCommander, Design, Standard

As Magic players, most of us primarily care about how the game actually plays. However, so much more goes into a set than the cards themselves — from worldbuilding, to characters and the places they intersect. Often, these qualities outside of gameplay are called flavor, and they help sets taste different even if they are similar in some ways to …

most expensive Magic Cards of 2022

The Most Expensive Magic Cards of 2022

Jason KrellCommander, Products, Standard

This end of each year is a time for reflection, and we’ve already been doing quite a bit of that lately. However, since Magic is not the cheapest hobby out there, it’s equally important to reflect on the cost of cards in 2022. The good news is there are a lot of powerful, playable cards are affordable prices. With all …

Best Selling Magic Products of 2022

Best Selling Magic Products of 2022

Jason KrellCommander, Products, Standard

This year has been a banger for Magic, with Wizards of the Coast giving players more new sets and supplementary products than ever before. In the spirit of 2022, the year with the most Magic, we’re going to look at the best selling cards and products sold here at Card Kingdom in the past 12 months. Best Selling cards in …

The Game's Future, according to Magic 30

The Game’s Future, According to Magic 30

Jason KrellEvents

Magic: the Gathering is a different game than it was 30 years ago. When it first released, no one could have predicted just how long it would last, how popular it would become and how much change was needed to reach those points. But if Magic is hoping to reach another 30 years and beyond, it will need to keep …

The best mechs in Magic

The Best Mechs in Magic

Jason KrellStandard

The Brothers’ War approaches, and with it comes something that may seem a little out of place in Magic: giant battle mechs. But of course, The Brothers’ War takes place far in the past of the game’s storyline. So that means mechs have been here the whole time?  Well, kind of. Artifacts and various machines of war have been in …

How Magic reached 30 years

How Magic reached 30 years

Jason KrellEvents

A sea of Magic fans churned through The Expo at World Market Center, ebbing and flowing through the Magic 30 show floor like the tide. Thousands upon thousands came to Las Vegas for the vendors, artists and experiences of the event, all due to their love of the game. As they cracked packs, acquired merch and shuffled up to play …

Threat Assessment in Commander

Threat Assessment in Commander

Jason KrellCommander, Strategy

Even as a social game, Commander doesn’t ask everyone playing to take up much responsibility. Knowing the basic rules of Magic and generally being a friendly person are the main baselines, but there is one more skill every Commander player should develop to keep games as enjoyable for everyone as possible: threat assessment. For those newer to the game, threat …

All the volunteers helping MagiKids

Making Magic Happen for MagiKids

Jason KrellCommunity

Twenty Wizards of the Coast employees sat in an assembly line at Card Kingdom’s Ballard Campus, sorting cards and packing boxes for a few hours on a sunny Seattle afternoon. Some sorted commons from uncommons or separated out basic land cards. Others pulled card sleeves and deck boxes together for each of the 100 kits the volunteers constructed. In that …