Wilds of Eldraine Modern Highlights

Wilds of Eldraine Modern Highlights

Michael RappModern

Wilds of Eldraine is approaching quickly, and the set will be out in Modern before we know it. But before that happens, I’m on the lookout for cards with the potential to impact the format. Here are the five most likely candidates, without further ado! Not Dead After All So…remember when Rakdos Scam won Pro Tour Barcelona and has been …

Modern Decks, Now with Preordain

Modern Decks, Now with Preordain!

Mason ClarkModern

Modern had had a week for people to settle into the Preordain unban and explore the format. While it will take more time to figure out the full ramifications, we can take a look at a few decks and get ready for the new Regional Championship Qualifier season that is starting in a week.  Jund saga  Scam (or Rakdos Evoke) …

What to expect from Assassin's Creed Universes Beyond

Assassin’s Creed Will Be a Great Universes Beyond Set

Kristen GregoryCommander, Modern

Assassin’s Creed is set to be a Modern legal Universes Beyond booster product. How big the set will be remains to be seen, but what’s really on our minds is the set’s overall potential. Kristen takes us through her thoughts on a franchise she’s waxed and waned on over the years. During Wizards of the Coasts’ Gen Con panel, they …

What to Expect from Modern Horizons 3

What to Expect from Modern Horizons 3

Michael RappModern

Wizards of the Coast announced Modern Horizons 3 at Gen Con, which is set to release in the summer of 2024.  Like its predecessors, it will inject some power into Modern, bypassing Standard completely. And having gone through this a couple times before, the questions we have include: “What will this do to Modern?” and “What have we seen so far?”  …

What to Expect from Ravnica and Innistrad Remastered

What to Expect from Ravnica and Innistrad Remastered

Jacob LacknerCommander, Modern, Pioneer, Standard

At Gen Con, Wizards of the Coast revealed more information about their upcoming release schedule than they ever have before. They told us about everything we’re going to see from today all the way through 2026! One of the more interesting things they announced were two upcoming Remastered sets. Ravnica Remastered will come out in January of 2024 and Innistrad …

Banned and Restricted Update 2023

Banned and Restricted Update: August 2023

Mason ClarkLegacy, Modern, Pioneer

This week, Wizards of the Coast announced their last Banned and Restricted update before switching to a new, yearly cadence in October. But while conversation in the community was blowing up about targets for Modern and Pioneer, every possible option escaped the hammer. Instead, Wizards of the Coast actually unbanned two cards, one in Modern and one in Legacy. The …

Innovation in Modern

Michael RappModern

Last week I spoke about how desperation breeds creativity, and as Modern adapts to the changes brought on by The Lord of the Rings, this has proven to be true. Over the last few weeks I’ve noticed some interesting new innovation in existing Modern decks, and even new decks all together put up strong tournament results.  So much of competitive …