Assessing Unfinity in Legacy Part 2

Assessing Unfinity in Legacy: Part 2

Mason ClarkLegacy, Strategy

One of the most contentious sets in Magic history releases on Friday: Unfinity! While un-sets are historically just full of fun joke cards with cool basic lands thrown in, Unfinity is something more. The reason? About 40% of the cards in Unfinity are legal in Legacy and Commander! This is unprecedented, and it has caused a lot of hand wringing about …

Playing Rhinos in Modern

Playing Rhinos in Modern

Michael RappModern, Strategy

At the beginning of what I call the New Modern era (Modern Horizons and forward), Rhinos decks centered around cascading into Crashing Footfalls burst onto the scene and remained a top tier deck for some time. But at some point, Modern adjusted and Rhinos fell out of favor — replaced by Living End and Glimpse combo. However, Leyline Binding seems …

Best Equipment for Commander

The Best Equipment for Commander

Kristen GregoryCommander

Playing and sticking equipment is always super satisfying, but what are the best equipment in Commander? How do you build the ultimate arbiter of justice? Let’s take a look at the answers today. THE BEST EQUIPMENTS ARE FLEXIBLE Before we get onto the list proper, it’s only fair to point out the metric I am judging the best equipment on: …

Why you shouldn't upgrade your Commander Deck

Why You Shouldn’t Upgrade Your Commander Deck

Kristen GregoryCommander, Strategy

It’s normal to want to upgrade your Commander decks over time. But is it really necessary? Kristen evaluates the process and offers an alternative. There are three* main aspects to engaging with Commander as a format: Deckbuilding, Gameplay and Upgrading your deck. We cover Deckbuilding and Gameplay quite often here at Card Kingdom, as do many creative Commander players across …

Seven Commander decks to own

Seven Decks Every Commander Player Should Own

Scott CullenCommander, Strategy

Commander is, perhaps, the largest sandbox environment in gaming. There are countless commanders, cards and archetypes available — to the point where it’s impossible to build every combination. Many Commander players can struggle with this extreme level of choice, and decision paralysis is something I personally experience often when deciding on decks to build. However, there is a sort of …

Efficiency in Modern

Examining Efficiency in Modern Magic

Michael RappModern, Strategy

Magic has such a wide vocabulary associated with it that words begin to mean different things to different people. “Efficiency” is one such word, and its meaning has changed over the lifespan of Modern.  The technical definition of efficiency is, “the ratio of the useful work performed by a machine or in a process to the total energy expended or …

Temur Creativity Modern

Modern Deck Guide: Temur Creativity

Michael RappModern, Strategy

Indomitable Creativity has shown up a few times, in a few different versions, during the last year or so of Modern’s history. The shells change, but the core game plan has stayed the same: control the board, then use Indomitable Creativity to generate a huge mana advantage.  Previous versions of Creativity chose Serra’s Emissary and Emrakul, the Aeons Torn as …