Fringe format Heritage

Fringe Magic Format: Heritage

Chris CornejoLegacy

Often here on Fringe Format, we’re covering ways of playing that have been around for a while, even if they haven’t received much attention outside a small circle of players. This time, we’re getting in on the ground floor with Heritage, a brand-new, community-driven Magic format that just had its first relatively major event this past weekend.  But before we …

The Brothers' War Predictions

Five Predictions for The Brothers’ War

Chris CornejoStandard

The Warhammer 40K Commander decks and Unfinity are out, the first round of Brothers’ War announcement and previews have had a minute to percolate, so now it’s time for some specific predictions about the upcoming, time-traveling set. We covered a lot of the information already out there last week, and I’ve given some loose predictions about some specific characters already …

Assessing Unfinity in Legacy

Assessing Unfinity in Legacy

Chris CornejoLegacy

Unfinity, the latest Un-set, has been fully previewed, and it brings black borders to the Un-iverse for the first time (outside of basic lands, of course). Like all supplemental sets that don’t have Modern in the title, any Unfinity card that doesn’t have an acorn logo in the stamp spot is technically legal in Legacy, Vintage and Commander.  Commander has …

The Brothers' War: Early Look

An Early look: The Brothers’ War

Chris CornejoStandard

Well, that was a busy September, wasn’t it? Dominaria United released, and then we went through two full preview seasons for the Warhammer 40K Commander decks and Unfinity. With those two supplemental products coming out soon, we finally have a chance to relax, take in everything and slowly look forward to…wait. Oh. Well. Never mind, time for The Brothers’ War!  …

Fringe Format – Dandân

Chris CornejoCommunity, Design

Some fringe formats thrive off individual expression, or playing the most powerful cards in Magic, or both. Anyway, here’s Chris with Dandân. Many fringe formats of Magic center around either a creature with evocative abilities and lore (Momir Vig) or a group of linked creatures so emblematic of an aspect of the game that they can’t be ignored (The Elder …

Cutest creatures in MTG

The Cutest Creatures in MTG

Chris CornejoStandard

Dominaria United previews are in full swing, and both the cards and story paint a dark picture for the Magic multiverse. Powerful creatures abound, massive changes are happening to our favorite MTG characters and Phyrexia marches on. In the middle of all this, one card in particular caught my attention.  LOOKITTHELITTLEFIREBIRDYIT’SSOCAYUUUUTE!  Ahem.  That’s right, as you probably already saw from …