Urza's Iron Alliance Commander Precon Upgrade Guide

Urza’s Iron Alliance Commander Precon Upgrade Guide

Tom AndersonCommander

Commander is a more powerful, established format these days, and the average deck is simply much stronger than it was in the early years of Commander precons. While that may have pushed designers in the past to keep pace, The Brothers’ War features the perfect, powerful character from Magic’s 30-year history to lean on: Urza. And while Urza’s Iron Alliance …

The Brothers' War Updated Decks for Pioneer

The Brothers’ War: Pioneer deck updates

Mason ClarkPioneer

The biggest Pioneer tournament of the year, DreamHack Atlanta, is just one week away, and players are rushing around trying to figure out what to play in a post Brothers’ War world. Can players trust the reliable meta decks, or will things change? That’s hard to say, but here are how some decks have changed after an injection of new …

Universes Beyond brings Transformers to The Brothers’ War

Tom AndersonCommander, Design, Products

Wizards made an announcement on Friday which will completely transform how their Universes Beyond designs fit into the wider hobby. They announced that Set and Collectors Boosters for The Brothers’ War will be… more than meets the eye with the addition of Transformers. Yes, after dancing around the idea for years, tournament legal Transformers cards are finally going to be …

The Brothers' War: Early Look

An Early look: The Brothers’ War

Chris CornejoStandard

Well, that was a busy September, wasn’t it? Dominaria United released, and then we went through two full preview seasons for the Warhammer 40K Commander decks and Unfinity. With those two supplemental products coming out soon, we finally have a chance to relax, take in everything and slowly look forward to…wait. Oh. Well. Never mind, time for The Brothers’ War!  …